Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depressive Disorder)

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Condition where a person has a series of mental episodes. Bipolar I contains all three episodes, but the episodes last a shorter time. Bipolar II has longer lasting episodes, but only includes Hypomania and Major Depressive episodes.

Manic episodes last at least one week. They are characterized by elevated mood, excessive self esteem, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, difficulty maintaining attention, excessive participation in pleasurable activities. (Note: these symptoms are also in ADHD.)

Hypomanic episodes are similar to Manic episodes except they usually don't need to take time off of work or school during an episode.

Major Depressive episodes are extreme. Thoughts of suicide or self arm are extremely common, as well as acts of self harming and attempts of suicide. Changes in eating, appetite, sleep, activity, pleasure, and social activity are all common.

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