Part III ( The enigmatic orphanage)

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Hey buddies !! I'm back again😉😉.. Feel free to comment and vote. Afterall, your love and support inspire me to work harder and better............Here it goes..😎😎

 The garden sat at the middle of the town,  tower just above it and the enigmatic orphanage lied  providing ancillary to the tower.But one part of the orphanage was attached to one wall of the magical garden. These three sites had a very convenient association with each other , that supported to the 'Triangular Mystery' . Though the orphanage had a very stained,old and messy building it had a enormous garden, which was the best part of the orphanage. The garden of the orphanage was a real alchemy that won everyone's heart. 🐦🐦

The arrangement of rooms in the orphanage was a bit disorienting , It even confused the inhabitants of the orphanage(sometimes). The orphanage was a big one, but it only had 8 rooms in it.

But how is it possible??😐😐

Maybe the rooms in there were so towering that only 8 rooms occupied the huge big building.😉😉(just using sense of

There were only 6 orphans in that orphanage , which means six rooms for them . Then one for the hostel warden or caretaker : 🌸Mr.Oorismus Mariska . What about the next one room?? It was vorboten and the only one who knew it was (O.M) Oorismus Mariska. The orphanage had certain rules that were to be stringently followed. Else they were locked😿 in the graveyard for 2 days without food and water and were also given some extra works to do. The children worked hard all day long and at night they had supper together. After supper no one was allowed to enter other's room till the morning. Actually, (O.M) was very mean and wicked to the children's. 😭😭

The children's there were very  honest, punctual and also  obedient to (O.M). The garden was so beautiful with 1237 species of flowers , a magic like crystal fountain , 147 species of butterflies and an antique museum(which was under construction) in it. Also, the  orphanage had an orchard in it, from where they got the fruits . 

Everything's nice but, how was their's livelihood served ??? Umm!! kinda baffling😂😂😌😏😏

 The  bread and butter of the orphanage was served by the exhibitions , that were held on every 'Friday Eve'. This advent was happened on the meadow of the orphanage. The orphans there worked very hard for the maintenance of the garden ; flowers ,fruits  and the fountain(which was very delicate and should be handled with much consciousness ). Not only that , the cold blooded (0.M) also made them work on the construction site, if they weren't working hard. For this advent they would prepare the tickets ,sell 'em and from that money ,they ran their butter and bread . They maintained the garden,orchards and the fountain in such a way that the people there were likely to come every Friday. 

This was how the crystal fountain looked like

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This was how the crystal fountain looked like.

Meet u soon in the next chapter....😁😁😞😞😋😋

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