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The mother said to her,
"If you want to talk,
I'm always here to hear you."
But instead she was the one
Who listened her mother talk.

The father said to her,
"If you want anything,
All you've to do is ask."
And when she asked,
He replied later.
But later never came.

She always wished at 11:11,
That one day people might do as they said.
But they never did.

The sister said to her,
"I'm always here to help;
Just ask me to."
But instead she always ended up
Helping her sister.

The friends told her,
"We aren't going to ditch or betray you,
Like the previous ones."
But they left just like others.

She always wished at 11:11,
That one day people might do as they said.
But they never did.

She wished that she had a brother,
But was afraid
That he might be just like others.

The others always asked her
To trust them and speak up.
But when she did no one listened.

She always wished at 11:11,
That one day people might do as they said.
But they never did.


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