Chapter 17

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(Hey before anyone get mad cause I added them into this story can I just say sophie22815 suggested it and why would I miss this?!?! Ok Sally is lucygirly14 and Lilly is sassy_microwave421 )
It has been a week since the murder and Dove had gone to some Irish camp thing to meet some students who would be coming here. It was sooooooo boring without her. I sat in my dorm and waited she was mant to back today so best to just be patient. Then as I lay on my bed 4 folk barged into the room, I saw dove and run to her and pulled her into a huge hug.
"Holy fook I missed you!" I yell in her ear as she hugs me
"Good to see your no dead" she says i then look to the 3 other people. One was a guy with green hair and brown at the side, kinda like my hair, he had blue eyes and a large smile, he was also holding hands with a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, she had freckles on her face and looked kinda shy. There was also a guy who also had the same hair cut as me but it stuck up and was a darker shade of green, his eyes were amazing, 1 was blue the other was green. He had tattoo and piercings and looked at least and 1 year older then me along with the other guy.
"You must Ashly, dove has told us so much about you" I smile and nod then put my hand out for a hand shake. The first guy shakes my hand and smiled.
"I'm Sean, this is my girlfriend Lilly and that's my twin brother Jack but prefers Anti" he says and shakes my hand. I shake hands with the girl as Sean puts their stuff away, then I shake Antis hand and get a shock. He starts laughing and Sean glares at him and I just laugh.
"Nice one but tone it down or you may end up killing someone" I say and I shake off my hand. Anti smiles at me and takes the shock thing of and shakes my hand properly this time.
"Oh you still need to met Mark, Sally and Dark" dove says and smile. I put on my flat cap and anti and Seans face lights up as they grab their flat cap and we leave. Sean walks arm in arm with Lilly. Me and anti and dove walk and talk for a bit when we see the boys and some new folk, David and Charlie look jealous and when Charlie saw dove and anti. I sigh and walk over.
"Hey, you guys seem new to this little group" I say and the one with brown hair and chocolate brown hair who had more tan skin then me. He smiled and shook my hand.
"I'm Mark, this is my brother Dark and my girlfriend Sally" he says and I shake hands with the Sally a girl with bouncy brown and brown eyes. I then shook hands with the guy with black hair, pale skin and eyeliner and grey eyes.  We talk for a few minutes and once it's late we go to find Marko he's part of the group now. There was an odd tensions between us and as we walked home Andrew pulled me away.
"Holy crap Dark is hot" he whisper yells
"I know but I'm more into Anti" I whisper yell back
"Nice, but I don't think the boys like them" Andrew says
"I think they think something is going to happen with Dove" I say
"Charlie needs to make it up with Dove" Andrew says and I nod and leave to catch up with Anti and dove.

Once we get to our dorm me Sean, and anti  play some video games while Dove and Lilly read.

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