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"Yes I do." Kristen said. "Who Kristen." I asked. "Um... Grayson."    "You like Grayson." I said. "Please don't tell anyone." She said. "Deal." I said as our pinkies wrapped together. "So do you want to go to the Mall." I asked. "Uh sure." Kristen said. "Ok let's go." I said as I was putting my black Vans on. We drove to the Mall and we walked into a Starbucks and I saw Ethan walking towards us. "Hey Ashley." Ethan said.
        "Umm hi Ethan." I said while playing with my fingers. "What are you doing here." He asked. "Shopping with my Kristen." I said while Kristen walked away and it was just me and Ethan. "Come back." I whispered hopping Kristen could hear me but she didn't. "What do you want Ethan?" I asked. I am about to get Gray a new iPhone. "Oh bye Ethan." I said as he started pulling my hair causing a dramatic scene. "OW Ethan that hurts." I said. Kristen  came and pushed Ethan. "You little Bitch I'm gonna get you." Ethan said.
           We walked out as I seen Grayson tap my shoulder. "What do you want Grayson?" I said. "I'm terribly sorry for Ethan." He said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Bye Gray." I said. "Oh wait Ethan." I said as I walked up to him and punched him causing him to fall and everyone was starring at me. "I freaking hate you so much Ethan." We left the Mall and Ethan ran to Kristen and kicked the back of her leg and Kristen fell. "Kristen." I yelled. "Why do you hate us so much Ethan?" I asked.
             "I don't hate Kristen but I hate you Ashley." He said as tears started forming in my eyes. "Why?!?"I said. Do you remember when I did those things to you Ashley? He said. "yes." I said. "That's when I started hating you." He said.     

Ashley's POV

We went to Lisa's house and told her what happened.  "Yes." I said. "Please don't get mad." I said. "No I'm getting mad." Lisa said. "Ethan come down." Lisa said. "Coming." Ethan said. "Ashley told me that you slapped and punched her." Lisa said as I buried my head in my arms and legs. "Um.....No why??" Ethan said. "Ethan I know your lying." Lisa said. "I'm not in swear." Ethan said. I made that up, knowing he remembers made me shook.  "Ashley told me that you slapped and punched her until Grayson walked into the room and pushed you off of her." Lisa said. I saw Ethan stare at me but I ignored Ethan. Ethan glanced at me and then started playing with his fingers. "Ethan is it true." Lisa said.

Ethan's POV

"Yes it's true." I said as I fixed my hair. "Ethan go say sorry to Ashley and give her a hug." My mom said. "Ashley... I'm so sorry." I then I hugged her and I said for her to meet me tomorrow after school. "Ok" She whispered. "You two are getting married." My mom said. "Ugh Mom." I said. "Ashley I'm terribly sorry for Ethan's​ behavior but when did he do that to you?" My mom said.

Ashley's POV

"He did it 1 month ago." I say. "And you haven't told anyone!!" Lisa said. "I told my mom and Kristen earlier but that's it." I said. "Ethan why did you do that." Lisa said. "I did cause I was mad and stressed out so I slapped and punched Ashley." Ethan said. "Ethan....That's not true you told me that you hated me." I said. "Ethan??" Lisa said. "What??" Ethan said. "Phone, Now" Lisa yelled. "I don't care." Ethan said and gave her his phone.

Kristens POV

I felt horrible for seeing my bestie like that Ashley was right we should have hit Ethan. I thought to myself. "Ashley it's getting late we should go." I said. "Ok coming I'm just going to use the bathroom really quick." Ashley said.

Ashley's POV

I went upstairs to see Ethan crying and saying he hates me. I told him I was sorry. "I told Kristen not to tell anyone but she told your mom." I said. "Ashley I fucking hate you and your bitch." He says. "Kristen is not a bitch Ethan." I yelled so only he could hear me. "Just wait until tomorrow after school meet me here." Ethan said. I left and Kristen drove me home and asked if she could stay overnight and I told her she could.

             I love all of you guys who read my story 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

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