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We stayed up late talking to each other. Ashley do you like Ethan. Kristen asked​. Um... IDK. I said. Me and Kristen fell asleep.

Kristen  POV

I knew Ashley liked Ethan But didn't want to admit it. Trust me I know my bestie. Ashley get up.i said as lightly shook her. Ok. Ashley said.

Ashley's POV

I went to my closet and pulled out a black crop top that said Off the Wall and I grabbed some black shorts with my black Vans and got in the shower. I came out of the shower and I saw a text from Cameron (Ethan's sister) that said "Do you and Kristen want to hang out with me and my friend's​". I responded by saying "yeah sure". She picked us up and we went to the Mall.

Cameron's POV

Ashley. I said. Yes. Ashley said. Um.... Can I talk to you. I said. Sure cam. Ashley said. So what happened with you and Ethan. I asked her. Um... Ethan got in trouble by Lisa and me and Kristen got yelled at by Ethan. Ashley said. Ok let's go shopping. I said.

Ashley's POV

Kristen let's go get some Starbucks. I said. Ok. Kristen  said. We ordered some drinks for me,Kristen, Cameron,and her friend's​. As we were leaving I saw Lisa. Hey Lisa what's up. I asked. Hi Ashley. Lisa said. What are you doing. I asked. Buying you and Ethan your wedding rings. Lisa said as Cameron texted me and told me to hurry up. I forgot me and Ethan are getting an Arranged Marriage. I said as I sighed. Oh yeah. Kristen said. We have to get going Lisa. I said. Ok I love you guys. Lisa said. Love you too Lisa. I said. We walked out and went up to Cameron and we gave them their drinks. Ashley do you think we should look at the wedding dresses? Cameron said. Who's getting married? Cameron's friend asked.

Cameron's POV

Ashley and Ethan are getting married in 9 months. I said. They are? Katie (Cameron's bestie) said. Yes. I told her. Oh it makes sense. Katie said. So come on guys. We walked in and asked Ashley who her bride's maid's. You, Kristen​,and Someone else. Ashley said. We all looked at some dresses.

Kristen​ POV

We got some new iPhones and some new Converse and Vans. I don't
like Katie she tries to take my Ashley away from me. I accidentally said out loud. Katie looked at me and tried to slap me and Cameron shoved me out of the way as Katie tried to hit me but got Ashley.

Ashley's POV

Cameron looked at me and she said I had mark on my face. Come on Cameron and Kristen. I said. Fuck you Katie. Me and Cameron said as we shoved her into some man behind her. Oh I'm so sorry. Katie said. Ashley, Cameron, Kristen what are you doing here. The man said as we were leaving. I turned around to see Ethan. Um.....We were shopping for things. I said nervously. Let me drive you guys home. Ethan said. I remembered​ that Ethan had something for me. Mary and Cameron sat in the back so I had to sit in the front with my future husband.

I love you guys so freaking much!!!!¡!!!!!!!¡!!!¡!!!!!!!¡!!!!!

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