Untitled Part 1

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Harry stood in the kitchen at the Dursley's once again making breakfast for everyone while Aunt Petunia was drinking a cup of tea which Harry had made and Uncle Vernon was sitting reading the news paper. But this time he was looking forward to dishing it up because he had been told that he could have a small plate of the left-overs because he had gotten all of his chores done the day before.

Harry's stomach growled at the smell that was wafting up from the bacon and sausages that he was currently cooking and the beans that were sitting in a pan waiting to be dished up. He heard the thundering noise that indicated Dudley running down the stairs as he began to plate up the food.

He put four pieces of bacon, three sausages, two slices of toast that was smothered with butter and a serving of baked beans on Uncle Vernon's plate and carried it over before repeating the same for Dudley's plate. For Aunt Petunia he put a single slice of toast with a thin layer of orange marmalade, one slice of bacon and two sausages before carrying it over to her. Harry's plate had one sausage that was slightly burned and a plain slice of toast which he ate as soon as he sat down at the table before Dudley could try and steal it off his plate.

As soon as he heard the letter box Harry knew what was going to happen. "Go get the post Dudley." Uncle Vernon ordered while his head was still in the news paper.

"Make Harry get it." Dudley whined making himself sound like a toddler.

"Go get the post boy." Uncle Vernon ordered again.

"Make Dudley get it." Harry said before he was able to stop himself.

But he was lucky that Uncle Vernon was still absorbed in the news as all he said was, "Hit him with your Smelting stick Dudley." as Harry was getting up from him chair and he managed to avoid the stick that Dudley had aimed at his legs as he left the room to walk towards the front door to collect the letters.

He looked through the letters getting ready to throw junk mail out as he walked towards the Dinning room however he paused just before entering when he saw a letter addressed to him. 'Mr H. Potter, Cupboard Under The Stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.' The letter proclaimed in emerald green ink which was written in spidery writing. When he turned the letter over he saw a crest stamped on the back of the envelope to seal it with wax like Harry had learned about in history in school.

"What are you doing boy?"

Hearing Uncle Vernon's voice dragged him back to the present and he opened the cupboard door and placed the letter under his pillow before closing the door quietly and carrying the rest of the letter into the Dinning room and handing them to Uncle Vernon. Harry sat back down at the table to wait for everyone to finish eating their breakfast so that he could carry the plates back to the kitchen and clean them. He had to wait for another five minutes before everyone was finished and as soon as they were Harry was up out of his sit and picking up all the plates to carry them to the kitchen. He turned the tap on for warm water and waited for the sink to fill up half way before pouring some liquid dish soap into the water and then putting the dishes in.

All Harry could think about when washing the dishes was the letter was waiting for him in his cupboard. When he was finished washing the dishes and putting them away he started the rest of his chores straight away because the faster he got them all done the faster he gets put in the cupboard for the night.

By the time he had finished his chores it was nine o'clock at night and he couldn't wait until he got his hands on his letter again. As soon as he heard the cupboard door being locked and Aunt Petunia's footsteps heading towards the living room he picked up the letter from under his pillow and ripped it open and pulled out the first piece of strange paper his hand touched.

'Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand

Sorcerer, Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International

Confederation of Wizard)'

Harry stopped and stared at the beginning of the letter before continuing to read.

'Dear Mr Potter,

We are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclose a list of all necessary book and equipment.

Term begins on the 1st of September. We await your owl by no later than the 31st July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.'

Harry then picked up the second piece of the strange paper that he hadn't noticed until now and pulled it out.

'First Year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black).

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar).

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings).

Please not that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.'

Harry placed everything back in the envelope and placed it back underneath his pillow before laying down. 'Is this even real? It seems to in depth to be a prank and well to thought out to be done by Dudley.' Harry thought to himself as he stared up at the stairs above him before sighing. 'I'll write a reply and try to find an owl. If it's a prank no one will know if I fell for it because I'll make sure Dudley is out of the house before doing anything.' Please by his plan Harry fell asleep to the sound of the television and the Dursley's family shouting at it.


When Harry woke the next morning by the sound of Aunt Petunia banging on the door of the cupboard and the sound of the door unlocking. Harry dragged himself out of the bed and got himself dressed for the day. After making his way to the kitchen he made everyone their breakfast without asking for any and waiting for Uncle Vernon left for work and Dudley to leave to go round his friends house to play on their new computer game. Harry then decided that would be the perfect time to write the letter while Aunt Petunia was next door gossiping with the neighbour.

'Dear Deputy Headmistress McGonagall,

I wish to confirm my place at your school. I was wondering if there was anyone who could inform me where I could buy my equipment and books as I have no idea where I would look. Thank you for reading.

Yours sincerly Harry Potter'

Harry then looked in the draws in the kitchen for an empty envelope and when he found one he placed his letter inside before sealing it shut and writing the address on front of the envelope.

'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

Harry folded the envelope in half and placed it in his pockets and waited for Aunt Petunia to come back and then asked if he could go to the park. He left as soon as she nodded her head and walked away from the house as soon as possible. When he arrived at the park he stood next to the swings and looked around to make sure he was alone before speaking.

"I need to send my reply to Hogwarts." Harry proclaimed to the empty park and Harry felt stupid when nothing happened. He sighed to himself and just when he began to walk out of the park he hear a hoot from behind him. There stood an owl staring at him as though it was waiting for something, Harry approached and as soon as he got close enough he could see something attached to the leg of the owl so that it could carry letter. Harry couldn't stop grinning as he attached the letter to its legs and it flew away as soon as the letter was attached.

'I hope I get a reply soon.' Harry thought to himself as he sat down on the swings.

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