Not My Style

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This whole "Save the Universe"   thing really isn't my thing... But I have to keep pretending.  I'll do it,  but it's such a hassle.  This stupid mark,  why did I have to be the person to get this? 

This mark says that I find value in my own life.  Ha,  what a joke. I feel quite the opposite.  I'm just a useless nobody.  If they didn't need my lion to for Voltron, I wouldn't be needed at all.  I'm just a sharpshooter,  nothing more.  Just another tool for the stronger,  more powerful people to use as backup.

But I guess I can't really let them know that. I have to keep acting to match this mark. Mierda, it's time for dinner.


As Lance walked to the dining hall,  he spotted Pidge, carrying her laptop and waking towards her room.  The brunette plastered on his fake smile and grabbed her by the collar,  startling her to the point that she was about to drop her laptop. She reluctantly turned around,  facing the older paladin with a tired face.

"What?" She snapped, hurting Lance a bit,  but not noticeably. He raised and eyebrow and activated his older brother mode.

"Have you eaten?" His expression was stern and soft at the same time,  if that makes any sense. Pidge just rolled her eyes,  tapping her foot impatiently.

"No, " she answered,  annoyed. "Why does it matter?" Lance put his hand on his hip before taking and closing the laptop,  holding it out of the younger girl's reach.

"Hey!  Give that back!" She cried,  jumping up to try and retrieve her laptop. "Not until you eat." Lance holds the device higher,  making it impossible for Pidge without a step ladder.

Pidge looked enraged as she spoke in a dark voice,  saying, "Why should I do what you say?  You're just a useless idiot." Lance flinched,  not moving. Pidge seemed to realize what she said,  as she covered her mouth and looked down.

Lance held her computer at his side,  face clearly showing him as being hurt and annoyed.  It seemed today is not his day.

"Ok. " He started,  voice dark. "Here's what's going to happen.  You're going to go eat something,  take a nap and freshen up.  I'm going to give this laptop to Hunk,  who will not give it back until he knows you've done it all.  Is that clear? "

Pidge nodded,  staring at the ground.  She followed Lance to the kitchen as he gave Hunk the laptop.  He still had an annoyed look on his face,  so Hunk didn't question until he left and returned to his room.

"What happened to Lance?" The yellow paladin asked. Pidge looked up to him,  eyes filled to the brim with guilt.

"I think I may have crossed a line..." She looked at her feet.  Hunk froze,  eyes wide.  He's known Lance for a long time,  and knows what can happen when he gets mad.  He's always known his mark didn't fit,  so he was always there to help.

"I called him stupid and useless..." Hunk face palmed. "Pidge... that's not cool.  But as long as no one else bothers him,  he'll be fine.  Just go apologize after you eat. " She nodded.

Maybe she shouldn't have waited so long... because this day was about to get a whole lot worse for the blue paladin.

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