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we just got back to New Orleans me and Rennie gotten more close I think she"s pregnant...cause she been throwing up ever since we were at my mama's house..oh well we graduate 2months from now so I aint really worried about nun..so I set up a appointment with a speciAlist.so now im.gona come out with it hope she is my.mama already saying she see the signs..I kinda did a lil background looking some symptoms..shes glowing gained 5pounds she said and her breast got bigger she bought bigger bras but o well.I like it. sum.I can squeeze wen I. bust a nut u feel me.lol

uhm she always crAvingn french toast sticks with french vanilla ice cream...

so she might be....well.its now or never

me:babee.... come here I yelled

her:okay dam im tried she been complaining all week.......

me:I think u pregnant...y u have all the symptoms..craving sleeping hormones are just sky high ur tired then horny..then throwing up..so put ur shoes on were going to a doctor...

her:she began to cry..babe im scared ...what if I am what are we gona do..I told you im gonna be a distraction . wait what if im pregnant my mother gona judge me omg August....Paparazzi there there....she couldn't finish talking she broke down and started breathing heavy and sweating...

me:STOPP damm Rennie I wont LEAVE u and ur.not a distraction and I.don't give a dam bout.koe paparazzi..fuck em ur mama can't judge u. She not god so come on if she do ur moving in with me look I got to houses this one and Miami..she smiled I know what she was thinking of..

her:ur right let me pee first....


after she did what she had to do we made it to the doctor..I signed in we waited and talked we talked about if she was what will we do and what we would name it we decided if it was a girl her would be Kiyá or Kamià....if a boy please god..Diantea or Kajay...

we took it further cause we been her for Nd hour...id we had twin girls Kiyá and Kimià.if the twins were a gril.and boy Kiyá and Kajay......

nurse:mrs.Aslina me and August got up and went to the room she did my height and weight I gained 3pounds actually..wow just great.. I did some test and waited on the doctor they gave me coulple shots Nd all that.....

doctor walks in

Hi im doctor smith he was fine I was strarring so hard August slapped me on my thigh that shid hurt..I gave him a death glare....he flicked it off....

doctor smith..like I was saying im ur doctor u can call me Keshawn...ok he said winking at me.August sucked his teeth I giggled cause him to pinch my nipple...

me:.that hurt they been tender for the past 3weeks...August...

him)IDGAF u starring like I aint here...

me: go head doc..please what wrong with me.

Doc:well I wann say take it easy and be careful...because ur blood pressure is too high ms.jones..that can cause strokes or heart attacks...u dont want that...and its not good for u or the baby...congratulations ur 1month and a half weeks pregnant here are ur vitamins blood pressure medicine and any questions he said smiling..

August was kissing all over me while I stood there shocked I couldn't take all this in we stood and talked to the doctor..last thing I.heard was eat right before I blacked out right into doctor smith hands...

still out of it..

I see all white it was beautiful I was in this all white dress my hair was straight and down my Back no weave..I was barefoot..walking....till I.heard...

mommy.....mommy wait for us..I turn my head these beautiful two twins a girl and boy they look just like me and August..I was started crying..

them:its okay mommy don't cry u have us here...

me:what ur names..mommy forgot..

thelilgirl:its okay mommy im Kiyà she say giggling and hugging me...

and thats Kajay...he look more like u I.look more like daddy right mommy...

me:yes baby u sure do were am I..and weres daddy?

kiyà:well daddy Is waiting for you and ur in a fake drift off..like a place were u go for to see ur guardian angel to look after u...

kajay:u need to wake up mommy daddy is crying saying he needs you..kajay starts to cry...mommy get up please we wanna be born in October..please mommy if u don't u guys wont last....

please they both said I slowly got up there voices faded..I heard them say.

ur doing it mommy yay the cheered we love u see u in October...love u

with that I woke up coughing trying to catch my breathe I looked up and saw August pouring me water and shirtless he trying to kill me...

doc:glad ur up.had u man in here going crazy in here fina loose his career..we all laughed....

me:what happened..

doc:we were talking about u guys expecting and next thing u feel out in my Arms..from ur pressure dropping and u being over dehydrated........soo ur gona be here for couple days...August u have to wear this band so u can leave an get back in the hospital so here..and ill see I tomorrow lay off em French toast and french vanilla ice cream...my sister was pregnant and ate that its good and not..good for you and the baby we don't know if its allergic to anything yet... so be careful...with that he left.I sipped on my water as I.just got emotional...

A:babe its okay we got this I talked ur neighbor....and ......ur..ur..I

me:babe say it....::

A:babe ur mother died...when we was in Miami she left a note apologize for the way she treated u and saying she had aids..so.she decided to kill her self by hanging herself..she left u money and pictures u have to go to mrs.Heart they want u to sell the house so u can have more money for college and wat eva u need..

me:I..I.I didnt get a chance to say goodbye.....I cried all.night with August holding me we talked he encouraged me and all that he said he loved me I said it back we hugged and went to sleep..................

I did this lol like and comment

its something light o .well

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