Chapter 1 - Back to school

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'Kim give us a call when you are back home sweetie' My mother said while shutting the door behind her going to work with my father also.

Well summer is finish unfortunalty, and it's school today! I cant wait to see my girls and hang out with them in school. But uhhh Micheal! please Lord! Another year with this dumb twat! I really hate him so much fully down.

Flash back

'why are you so ugly?' Micheal asked and his little crew in the back laughing. I ignored him and tried concerntrating with my work.

'Well dont ignore me horse face! Answer me!' He said laughing.

My thoughts got interuped by my phone ringing. It was Alice.

"Hey Alice!" 

'Hey girl you alright?' She asked

"Yeh i'm fine, looking forward for today?" 

'Naaahhhh' She laughed.

'Well i'll pick you up with Lucy around 8.30ish.'

"Alright then, i'll see you later!"

I put my phone on charge and started changing of into something nice. I put on my short dungerees with my black Doc Maritns. I went into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. I put some masacara on and applied red lipstick. I'm going for a new look this year. Not like last year where I was a little natural but always didnt do nothing with my hair really. I added goldish highlights to my hair. Usally my hair is curly so I straightend it this morning. I looked at myself and winked. 

I walked out the bathroom and got my bag ready.

'KIMBERLY LUCY AND ALICE ARE OUTSIDE' My sister shouted from upstairs.


'BYE' I grabed my bag, my phone and charger and my house keys and shut the door. 

I saw Alice with her new car!

"woooai nice looking car girl!" 

She giggled. I sat at the back and we took of.

'AHHHHH KIM KIM I MISSED YOU!' Lucy said turning around to look at me.

"Me too!!!"

'We see you have a new look now for this year' Alice said while concerntrating on the road.

"mmmhmmm I have, prove those people I do have a sexy side!" The both laughed.

We continued the journey talking about what we did over the holiday and so on.

"Well hear we are girls, back at school" As Alice was finding a parking spot.

'Yeh, guys lets pray before we step out' Lucy said. I offerd myself to pray.

"Lord protact us today at school, and help Micheal amen" 

'AMEN' we all laughed and got out the car. we saw everyone hugging and walking inside.

'Wow they have really changed the school you know!' Lucy said as we all walked inside. We went to the notice bored to see where our new form class is.

"58" I said pointing at it.

'UHHH DAMN MAN ALL THE WAY ON THE 2ND FLOOR' Alice said this girl is SO lazy omg.

We got to the 2nd floor and was outside our room. we stood there looking at it.

"I can hear Micheal's voice" I stood back. Lucy rolled her eyes.

'Girl be brave, okay i'll walk in first then you will be second and Alice will come last okay?' I nodded and alice pushed me from behind, eventually I walked properly.

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