Ask #1-3 and Dare #7-9

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{In my dorm}

ChrisDR: Izuru, that's alot of stuff to do. Guess it's time to speed things up. *runs out to find Togami*

{In the Hallway}

ChrisDR: Togami!!!!

Byakuya: What do want you insolent vermin.

ChrisDR: You, have an ask from Doomqwer

an ask for togmai do you have anyone you see as equal or do you think all people are beneath you

Byakuya: Humph, Of course I think all these pond scum are beneath me. even in money.

ChrisDR: Oh well then in my opinion I think you shouldn't check Nagito's net worth.

Byakuya: Come again?

ChrisDR: *running to the gym* No time, got to find Junko and Nagito.

{In the gym}

ChrisDR: *still running* Man Ishimaru would be pissed if- *sees Nagito and Junko talking*

Nagito: I'm telling you, a regular prank isn't enough.

Junko: Which is why I need your help.

ChrisDR: *grabs both of them* no time to talk you 2, you got a dare. *drags them to my dorm*

Junko: This isn't a date is it?

ChrisDR: No Doomqwer dared you 2 to:

i dare nagito and junko to watch the horror movie the mist especially the end

{In my dorm}

ChrisDR: Alright you 2 stay here and watch the movie while I do do the other ask and dares. *leaves the room*

{In the hallway}

ChrisDR: Alright 2 down 4 to go *bumps into Hajime* oh hajime just tin time, you have an ask.

Hajime: Oh, okay so what is it?

ChrisDR: Um, so ManaHaranaku asks

I have an ask. Why did Hinata volunteer to be reborn as the Ultimate Hope?

Hajime: *looks down* Oh, well I at first I wanted to do it to enter Hope's peak. Until I met Chiaki that's when I did it for her.

ChrisDR: Oh, well thank you. *tears up alittle* sorry for tearing up it's just a good answer. Anyway see ya. *runs to the gym*

{In the gym}

ChrisDR: *runs into the gym* Toko you here.

Ishimaru: No running in the halls!

ChrisDR: This is a gym not a hallway! *notices Toko* There she is.

Sonia: So, Toko how was Genosider Syo created?

Toko: Oh, well um-

ChrisDR: Toko you have an ask from Doomqwer

i have an ask for genocide jack and toko answer separately what did you of mokoto's sister when you hung out together

ChrisDR: I think she/he meant what do you think of her but i don't know. Oh and Sonia since your here you choose who goes first.

Toko: Don't I get a say in this.

Sonia: Syo goes first.

ChrisDR: Got it *makes Toko sneese*

Toko: *sneeses*

Syo: Did someone call.

ChrisDR: Just answer the question. *shows her the ask

Syo: Well, Dekomaru was a nice girl.

Sonia: and

Syo: That's it.

ChrisDR: well that was anticlimactic.

Syo: *turns back into Toko*

Toko: Well, Omaru was my only friend in a long time. and one of the best.

ChrisDR and Sonia: Awwwwww

ChrisDR: Anyway see ya later.

{in the hallway}

Junko: *walks out of my dorm* Well, that was a boring movie.

Nagito: Yea but the ending was great.

Junko: Yea I'll give it that.

ChrisDR: *thinks* ok now to tell Junko she has a dare from Doomqwer

And I dare junko to give mukuro a genuine compliment

Junko: Hey, Mukuro nice shirt.

ChrisDR: *thinks* Ok nevermind *runs to the Gym*

{In the gym}

Ibuki: Ibuki is bored!

ChrisDR: Ibuki you have a dare.

Ibuki: Yes!

ChrisDR: Okay so the comes from Doomqwer which is

I dare ibuki to play extremely cheesy pop music

Ibuki: Ohhh, Ibuki have the perfect song.

ChrisDR: Ok, let me here it.

Ibuki: *starts playing Never gonna give you up*

ChrisDR: Haha, April fools Readers.

Don't forget to ask and dare

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