Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

     Paxiel wandered down to the Foxes Den as if on autopilot. He had developed a fondness for the little pub and it's not so acceptable clientele.

     The mid afternoon sun shone down brightly and the sky was clear, making for yet another ideal day to shirk off any and all responsibilities, and Paxiel was a pro when it came to dodging responsibility.

     As he entered the pub, he noticed a few of the local cocotte's already on the prowl. A blonde approached making her intent blatantly clear with only the use of her eyes. Paxiel shook her off and approached the bar.

     Rodele the barkeep nodded a greeting "The usual Pax?"

     "Yeah Rodele, that would be great and keep 'em coming."

     "One Hellhound coming up."

     Leaning back against the bar top, Pax took in his surroundings. A statuesque redhead was lounging on a settee set over in a shadowy corner.

     "Here you go Pax."

     "Thanks Rodele."

     Drink in hand Paxiel approached the redhead, she looked up upon his approach and smiled, an invitation to join her that Pax would gladly accept.

     By his third round things had become physical. This woman was no shrinking violet and Pax was sure she would be willing to do anything in this corner, he smiled to himself as he contemplated seeing how far she would be willing to go.

     A painful twinge suddenly pulsed through his head uncerimoniously stopping his groping session.

     Paxiel was confused to say the least. He was having rather steamy relations with a beautiful red head, her hair the color of copper, and was mere moments away from whisking her away to his bed when something started tugging at his mind. It was almost as if someone were calling for him, needed him even.

     The need was so tinged with panic and fear he could taste it and it became stronger with each beat of his heart and before he knew it, he abruptly stood, dumping the copper haired beauty off his lap without as much as an "I'm sorry".

     His wings sprouted from his back and carried him off in the direction of the forest. Theses feelings of panic and fear, pulling at him so fiercly, overwhelmed him for a moment and his wings faltered their beat. He had felt the call for aid before, for being the son of the Archangel Michael, it was ingrained in his being to be a protector.

     It  always felt like a burden to him with those around him pressuring him to be more like his father, but Paxiel fought against it. He constantly teetered on the line in the sand between good and evil. He knew deep down that he couldn't truly be evil, but he didn't want to be a replica of his father either.

     As he closed in on the forest a loud shriek echoed through the air followed shortly after by the scream of a woman. Paxiel flew into the heart of the forest where the atmosphere was thick with a palpable evil searching for the one calling him to them so desperately. Whatever was here was strong in the powers of the darkness and he would need to act swiftly if this person stood a chance at escaping the darkness.

     As he came upon the scene he spied a willowy woman, pressed against the ground in a shroud of shadow.

     The beating of his wings and the aura of the guardian soul that Paxiel emitted seemed to calm the woman as the shadowy shroud slowly ebbed away. He alighted on the ground directly in front of her and the Forrest seemed to melt away and all that was relevant, in that moment, was the woman huddled at his feet.

     He cautiously reached out to pull her trembling form off the cool ground. His soul thrummed out a contented purr upon contact with her bare arms and he furrowed his brow in confusion.

     The woman was definitely not his type and yet he found himself inexplicably drawn to her. Her dark chestnut hair was a snarled mess hanging dull and lifeless, like it hadn't been groomed for days.

     There was a delicate quality to her, like if he squeezed too hard he could shatter her like glass. Her eyebrows were not overly fussed over but they worked with her large doe shaped eyes. Those eyes were pinched shut, which gave her an innocence that made him want to steal her away from the world and keep her safe from all who would dare contemplate harming her.

     Her nose was straight and dainty and her lips were like pouty little pillows so soft and inviting looking that he had to stamp down the urge to press his own to them. And her neck, oh how delicate and sinful it looked, and it was a just a neck for crying out loud. Paxiel shook away the improper thoughts.

     The woman stirred and slowly cracked open her eyes, which were the most disarming silvery blue. She opened her mouth to speak, "I was right! They are the perfect color for your perfect face angel boy!" and with that her body fell limp in his arms.

     He gave a perplexed chuckle at the strange declaration and tried to recall if he had ever crossed paths with this woman before, but the atmosphere started to become thick with a foreboding evil and a piercing shriek filled the forest once again. And so with a sigh Paxiel ascended, holding the woman with the strangely irresistible silvery blue eyes safely nestled into his chest.

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