Chapter 14 | Have Heart; Be Brave

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There are very few moments in life where you are presented with the opportunity to alter the course of your destiny. Not always are the decisions you make for the better though, but this is the difficulty in being presented with options. How do you know what you will choose will be for the best? The truth is there is no way of knowing. You just have to take a risk and try, for in trying is the only way of ever truly knowing. The only problem with this is the aftermath of your decisions, the consequences of your choices and trying to deduce how to resolve them should they be...disastrous.
When JR had entered your world and told you how you were to be his Queen, he had made a choice in that moment. He had made an oath to protect you, regardless of the choice you would make and this he had successfully done up until now. What unwritten oath had you pledged towards him? Nothing. Now though, gripping the hilt of the sword given to you by the Arethan spirits, you had a chance to change this. You had the opportunity to give back to JR what he had given to you. You had to save him.
There was a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach making you nauseous. Although you were petrified, your hands shaking as you held this powerful sword, you knew you had to save JR. You were the only one who could now.
You strode towards JR and Grinkel, the scenery around you beginning to come back to life steadily. Time was running out. You hastened your pace, reaching Grinkel just before he was about to strike. JR saw you and screamed your name, causing you to falter. Grinkel stopped and turned to look at you. He snarled and then chuckled.
"What's this? The human has come to save you. How noble."
"No, run!" JR called out to you, his hand outstretched.
"It's over," Grinkel swung the Aranthian Key in front of your face mockingly. "The Elf is nothing without this. He's powerless and so are you."
"I-I...don't think so," you mentally kicked yourself for hesitating, displaying your fear so openly to the enemy.
"Foolish girl; are you challenging me?!" Grinkel swung at you but you held the sword in front of you, blocking his attack.
Just as Grinkel's own sword hit yours, there was an electrical charge of energy which surged through your sword before it exploded through the point and threw Grinkel back several feet to the ground. Shocked by what had just happened, you examined the blade of the sword. How had it managed to do something like that? Gripping the hilt tightly, you felt its power flow into you.
"I won't let you kill him," You whispered as you tentatively walked towards Grinkel, sword held out in front of you.
Many of the goblin army were dumbstruck, however some had begun to charge towards you. Without even thinking, you drew a circle around you with the point of the sword in the ground. Light spiralled up out of it and as you stepped forward, it continued to spiral around you. You did not know how you knew to do that but you decided not to question it. You may have been the one holding the sword but it most certainly was in control in this situation. The goblin army looked confused and it was not until a couple of them recklessly tried to strike at you but disintegrated immediately did they realise the true power of what you held in your hand. You were protected by the Arethan spirits, by the power forged by this sword.
Grinkel looked up at you and for the first time ever, he looked fearful. He scrambled on his knees, reaching for his own sword but you placed a foot upon it, preventing him from obtaining his weapon. You swung your sword towards him and although it did not make contact with him, the force of the swing generated so much energy it caused Grinkel to fall back to the ground once more.
"Wh-where did you obtain that sword?" He stumbled upon his words.
"I think you already know the answer to that question," You raised the sword above your head.
"But it cannot be...the Elf...the Elf had lost...he did your heart..."
"I guess that's two of us that thought wrong."
You swung the sword and this time it struck true. The edge sliced through Grinkel's body and he fell back to the ground, gasping for air before his body ceased movement altogether. His black eyes rolled back into his head and turned white. You stepped back and watched as his body began to crumble into dust before being blown away by the wind. The other goblins fell to the ground immediately after, collapsing and writhing in pain before they too were nothing but dust. You looked up towards the sky and watched as the Sun dipped its head just below the horizon. It was over.
JR placed a hand upon your shoulder and gently called your name. Upon hearing his voice, the sword fell from your hand.
"JR," you turned to him and flung your arms around his neck, catching him by surprise. He winced in pain as you held on to him tightly.
"I'm sorry!" You pulled away but he instantly pulled you back.
"No, I should apologise. I could not protect you when I needed to most." You sighed heavily.
"You're an idiot, do you know that?" You pulled away and he looked down at you in surprise. "After everything that's happened, you're apologising to me for something so insignificant? JR, wake up! We won!" It took only a moment but a smile began to grow. He blushed a little, looking away in embarrassment.
"What is it?" You asked him, watching as he grew more and more bashful.
"You said we won'."
"And? Oh..." now it was your turn to feel embarrassed. He placed a hand under your chin and gently tilted your head until you were eye to eye.
"Thank you. You saved my life today." You held his gaze, getting more and more lost in his green eyes.
"''s okay..." you suddenly felt nervous, all of the courage you had displayed earlier vanishing in an instant.
"I owe you."
"Well I suppose you do a little..."
"And how shall I repay my debt?" He asked, smiling.
"Ice cream is always a good call...," you mused out loud.
"Consider it done."
"Do you get ice cream in Aranthi by the way?"
"Why do you ask?" JR tilted his head to one side.
"I...well...If I'm...going to live there would be nice if those things did exist there too..." you twitched your mouth and watched as JR's eyes widened in shock.
"Does this mean what I think it means?"
"I don't know; what do you think it means?"
"Is it still so hard to admit how you feel?" he mumbled.
"A little bit...sorry..." He pulled you into a warm embrace and you clung to him tightly, scared that he might disappear the way Grinkel just had. "I'm sorry for being so stubborn." He chuckled.
"It would not be you if you weren't so stubborn, but it's a quality I would never change about you, my Queen."
"Still not sure how I feel about being called that..." you admitted, "But maybe I could get used to it..."  

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