Love, Sex and Magic - A date with a pretty girl

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A date with a pretty girl

I woke up at 1'oclock pm and checked my phone I had two missed calls from Adrian, 1 text message from Chrystal, I opened the message and it said:

"Hey girl what you doing today?

Do you have a hangover, cha'backside?

I do, call me when you get this

Love you baby'x

I decided to call Adrian and see if we can meet up and talk properly...

Adrian's POV:

I can't stop thinking about that chick Cushelle, she's so pretty, I don't think I felt so strongly about a girl dat I've just beat like. My phone was ringing, caller ID Cushelle

Me: wahgwarn babes?

Cushelle: hey you alright, I saw two missed calls from you so I thought I should call you back

Me: yeah, I was just wondering what you on today?

Cushelle: I don't know yet, how about you?

Me: I was thinking we should go out... to like... the cinemas?

Cushelle: erm yeah okay, what time?

Me: about 3'oclock

Cushelle: yeah that's fine, see you later then

Me: yeh bye love yu...


Shit did I actually say that, oh my god I'm such a dickhead, she's gonna think I'm a right ediat

Cushelle's POV:

Did he just say love you?! Maybe I was hearing things. I got out my bed and went to the kitchen and took 2 ibuprofen tablets as my head was banging, I made a cup of coffee and made some toast, I relaxed for 20 minutes until my head felt a little bit better, I then ran the shower water and let run till it gets hot, I was sitting on my bed looking at my clothes in my wardrobe, I wonder what to wear today, I took out my Ed Hardy black leggings and black matching top and black pumps. I got into the shower, washed then creamed and sprayed myself and got dressed. It was now 2:30pm I quickly straightened my hair and applied mascara, eyeliner and lip-gloss and waited for Adrian to call me, it was now 2:55pm and Adrian called...

Me: hello

Adrian: you alright?

Me: yeah you?

Adrian: I'm good as I could be, where you now?

Me: at home

Adrian: come meet me at Edgware Road Station

Me: okay be there in 5 minutes

I grabbed my things and put it in my bag and left. I tapped my oyster on the bus to Edgware Road, in 5 minutes I arrived, I saw him leaning on his car, and then I walked over to him and hugged him and got into the car.

Him: so how are you?

Me: good thanks, heads hurting a bit though, you?

Him: I'm bless still, so how old are you?

Me: I'm 18 you?

Him: same

Me: and is this your car?

Him: yeah this is my baby lol

Me: okay then lol, so what do you do?

Him: I'm a undergraduate student at Westminster University you?

Me: oh my gosh, so am I, what subject do you do?

Him: Law...

Me: too wow what a coincidence, I've never seen you before

Him: yeah small world init

Me: so what cinemas are we going to?

Him: VUE at the o2

Me: oh okay, what we watching?

Him: we could watch Kickass lol

Me: okay lol, I heard it was a really good movie

Him: yeah and don't worry I'll be paying

Me: okay thanks,

The rest of the journey was silent with music playing but it was a comfortable silence, we soon arrived and walked into the cinema, he brought some sweets and drink each, he is really nice. We was watching the movie and he tried acting smart by yawning and putting his arm around me, I just allowed him, it felt so nice to be treated by a nice boy once in a while. The movie was done, we was driving back and he asked if I wanted to go to his, I replied yes and we was off.

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