Chapter 34:"Remember me"

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Calebs POV
I see the look in Alison's eyes when Emily asks her who she is.
She must really love her.
I move slowly over to where Emily is sitting and look at the back of her head.
Dry blood.
I look at Alison, a concerned look on my face. I quickly rush to the bathroom and wet a towel.
"It's me, Alison" I hear Ali chokingly say.
Emily doesn't respond.
I walk over to her and place the towel gently onto her head. She winces.
"It's okay." I manage to say, shocked by the situation.
I clean the wound and see the damage that was done.
A big gash on the back of her head.
It could've easily caused amnesia.
"Hey Emily, listen to me." I say quickly, walking around in front of her. I gesture for Alison to sit beside her.
"Do you know who I am?"
She shakes her head, having no recognition of our faces.
"Tell the others we found her, but she suffered memory loss" I say quietly and slowly to Alison.
I see the look on Alison's face when I tell her that Emily lost her memory. She looks broken.
"What can you remember?" I ask.
"I remember waking up in a room and there was a girl. She said her name was Paige and she told me that I'm her girlfriend." She says, her voice raspy.
I stand up and get her a glass of water.
"Girlfriend?" Alison chokes out. Almost like a whisper.
"Did she.." Alison trails off, slowly taking Emily's hand and squeezing it gently. Emily has a look of confusion on her face, but doesn't make an attempt to move her hand.
"hurt you?" Alison says, waiting for an answer from Emily.
Emily pauses to think, before nodding slowly.
There's a knock at the door, presumably the girls.
"Go outside and tell them what's happening." I order.
Alison opens her mouth to protest but obliges and exits the room.
"Depending on how hard you hit your head, the amnesia should wear off soon" I tell her confidently.
I hope. I think but push the thought aside.
"I'm really hungry" Emily says quietly.
I quickly get some food out of my bag. I prepared for the worst and put some cereal bars in the bag. Just in case our search for Emily dragged on.

Emily's POV
After the girl, she said her name was Alison, put her hand on me I felt a spark. I don't know what it was and I can't remember who she was. All I can remember is her face, it's the only slight memory I have.
The boy still hasn't said his name.
"What's your name?" I ask, hoping it sparks a memory.
"I'm Caleb, we've been friends since high school. Your other friends are Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Ezra, Toby and Mona." He says, trying to refresh my memory.
I shake my head, not recognising any of the names.
"Who's Alison?" I say, wanting to know more about who the girl is and why she stands out in the only memory I have.
Caleb sighs, putting a hand through his hair.
"It's complicated" He says, trying to speak but probably not knowing what to say.
"She's someone you care really deeply for" He says, happy with his answer. He stands up and paces around the room.
I stay sitting on the bed, flustered.
I hold the wet towel tightly against my head. It throbs slightly but it's not my biggest problem at the moment.
There's a moment of silence before the door opens and Alison walks in.
She looks at Caleb before moving aside and letting 5 people walk into the room.
I don't recognise any of their faces.
"Emily?" A short girl with short black, brown hair whispers.
She looks at me worryingly.
"She can't remember anything" Caleb reminds them.
Alison sighs and stressfully runs her hands through her hair.
She sits down on the bed close to me.
There's an awkward silence for a moment until the girl with blonde hair speaks up.
"I'm hanna." She smiles, looking at me with a glint of hope in her eyes. Hoping I could remember something about her, which I can't.
She sighs and looks at the others.
"I'm spencer" The tall girl since, putting her hand on the short girls shoulder. She looks up at her and smiles.
"I'm Aria." She says. I smile at them.
Their smiles soon fade away and we all sit in awkward silence once again.
"Hey guys I think it's best if we give Emily some space for now, until she can remember things. This is probably overwhelming for her" Spencer announces. I nod at her, showing my respect. She smiles back and leads the others out of the room including Caleb.
Alison stands up to leave but I quickly grab her hand.
"Please don't leave" I say, not loosening my grip on her.
"I just don't want to be alone" I give her a small smile and relief washes over her.
She sits down and pauses for a moment before turning to me and pulling me into a hug. I stiffen for a moment but loosen under her touch.
It all feels strangely familiar but I just can't pin point the memory.
She hugs me tightly, making me fe a sense of protection. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hug her back.
"Can you help me?" I say quietly.
She lifts her head, and looks at me in my eyes.
"Of course" She says, smiling and moving a strand of hair away from my face.
"Tell me something that will get my memory back. Anything" I say, examining the familiar colour of her iris. She sighs before taking my hand.

"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be"

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