Chapter 30: "Nightmare"

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Emily's POV
When Spencer and I make it to room 235, I have a feeling that Spencer already knows what's going on, but i don't push her.
I open the door and see Alison, Aria, Hanna, Ezra and Caleb standing towards the door, as if awaiting our arrival. I look at Spencer for reassurance but all she gives me is a concerned smile.
"Em" Ali says, standing up and walking over to me. She takes my hand and holds it tightly.
"What's going on?" I ask, confused about the entire situation.
"Paige is on the ship" Caleb says, folding his arms and looking down.
I freeze.

"What do you mean?" I try to find my words, but theyre lost. Hidden by fear. "She got a ticket for the cruise, Im not sure how, but dont worry Em, we'll keep you safe" Ezra says, looking at me before looking at the others. "Hey guys, we should give Emily some space to think." Ezra says to the others. They nod and leave the room. Ali goes to follow them but I grab her arm. "Stay, please" I manage to say. Alison nods before closing the door and sitting on the bed. "She follows me back to Rosewood and now she follows me onto a cruise." I sigh, sitting down beside Ali. She looks at me and gives me a small smile. "Dont worry, its a big boat, the chances of you bumping into her are slim." She says, placing her hand on top of mine. I respond by intertwining our fingers and resting my head on her shoulder. "Can we lie down?" I ask, yawning slightly to give evident tiredness. She stands up and lays down on the bed, extending her arms. I smile and cuddle up to her. I take in her warm embrace and nuzzle my head into her chest. "Ali?" I say, my voice quiet. "Yes Em?" She says, stroking her hand through my hair. "Whats your favourite colour?" I say, leaning back slightly so I can look into her eyes. She looks down at me and moves so that were both facing each other. She holds onto my hand, looking at our intertwined fingers and smiling. "Orange," She sighs before continuing. "Not proper orange, or prison orange, god forbid ive seen too much of that." She laughs slightly. "Sunset orange, the orange right before its too dark for there to be any orange." She looks into my eyes, making my heart skip a beat. "What about you?" She smiles, reaching her free hand out to my face and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I feel myself weaken under her touch. The power she has over me is overwhelming. "Blue" I say honestly, looking into her eyes. "Sky blue, icy but also an ocean blue mixed in," I say, examining her eyes. "Since when was blue your favourite colour? I thought red was."She says quietly, almost like a whisper. "Since the first time i layed eyes on you." I smile nervously. I see her blush. "Charming" She smirks. She leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Get some sleep, you need it" She whispers, pulling me into her. And although its 3 o clock in the afternoon, I drift into a sleep to the sound of Ali's heartbeat.

"There was an accident" Is all Toby has to say for tears to start pouring. I push past him, ignoring my friends calling my name and yelling for me to come back. "No no no no no," I whisper to myself as I sprint into the Dilaurentis residence. I feel an someone grab my arm and hold me back. But theres no need. Because when i see the body, its as if everything shuts down. I freeze in place. I watch as the Rosewood PD put a sheet over Alisons body.

Thats when I lose it. I begin to scream, once I start, I cant stop. I thrash against the officers grasp as tears sting my eyes. "Who did this?!" I scream at a nearby officer. They look away and towards the front door as it opens. A familiar face is being submissively brought to the cop car in hand cuffs. "You did this!" I scream at Paige. Her response is a sickening smirk, as if shes been planning for it to end this way all along. "Bitch!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I continue thrashing before I feel 3 sets of arms pinning me back. I cant see from the foggy vision of my tears. "She left me" I whisper to Aria, whos holding onto my right arm. She looks down before looking at the house. "She protected me, but I didnt protect her." I sob and collapse into Aria. She holds me firmly, rubbing my back. "Em, its not your fault." She whispers. I slowly pull away and look Aria in the eyes.

"Its all my fault"

Alisons POV

I wake up suddenly to Emily thrashing around in her sleep. I jolt upright, and begin to shake her awake. "Its my fault" She repeats over and over again before she finally opens her eyes and takes deep breaths. "Ali, thank god" She sighs with relief before collapsing into my arms.

"Promise me you wont leave me Ali." She whispers.

"I promise"

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