Number 5

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Everyone agreed that one more, and then there would have been enough pairs for the night, so it was the last chance for the girls to get their guy. All of them hurried, trying to be the one to get a piece if parchment. But another charm that was on the box, was that whilst the doors of the closet were open, and unlocked, only one piece could be drawn from it. A hand shot through the air, and Ginny Weasley yelled,

"EMERALD GREEN, GET INTO THE CLOSET RIGHT NOW." She stepped inside, and waited, until a boy came in. She didn't actually have a boyfriend at the time, so was hoping it was someone worth the effort involved to get the piece of parchment.

To her immense shock, but relief all the while, none other than Harry James Potter came in, and looked at her.

"Oh, uh, hi Harry." She said weakly.

"Hi." He replied. He wasn't sure whether to admit his feelings for her (as now was the ideal time to do it), or not, as she sounded, in his ears, slightly disappointed that it was him. He decided to go for it - he only had 7 minutes, after all. "Uh, Ginny? I wanted to, um, tell you something." He took a deep breath. "The thing is, well, uh, Ireallylikeyou,inamorethanjustfriendsway."

"Sorry, what?"

"Uh, I uh, I really like you, in a more than just friends way." He looked at her. She looked at him.


"Yeah..." Harry wasn't entirely sure what he expected her reaction was going to be. For one thing, he didn't expect the one she had. She kissed him. And he kissed her back. It got more and more passionate, and eventually they heard the countdown from 45 seconds, until the door unlocked. They broke apart, and Harry quickly cast a spell to tidy themselves up - to anyone else, it would look like they had just talked.

"Uh Ginny, will you go out with me? Maybe in secret though, your brothers would kill me."

"W-what? Really? Yes, yes of course!"

"10, 9, 8..." He hugged her.

"6, 5, 4..."

"Act like we were just talking." He whispered quickly.

"2, 1..." They heard the door unlock.

"So yeah, then he had the guts to tell Chantelle that she wasn't good enough for him, and didn't fit his needs!" Everyone looked confused by this.

"What? What are you on about?" Ron called out from the crowd.

"Oh nothing, we were just talking about Chantelle and Lucas from over the hill at your house." Harry replied quickly. By now, both of them were out of the cupboard.

"Oh, whatever then."

"So, lovebirds, what happened in there?" Fred Weasley asked. 'Muffilito' had been placed upon the wardrobe, so no one could hear what went on inside, in case it went too far.

"Oh, nothing, we just talked." Ginny supplied smoothly, shrugging as she did so. She was a pretty good liar, Harry thought. If he hadn't known himself what had happened, he would have believed her.

Many inwardly sighed - it was well know, it seemed, that they fancied each other, just didn't have enough guts to admit it to one another. So much for them being Gryffindors, 'where dwell the brave at heart'.

"Well, it's getting late. Although... perhaps one more round today?" George said, once the circles had been re-formed.

It was agreed, and so the last pair to go in was Hannah Abbot, and Terry Boot. Both already had a boyfriend/girlfriend, so nothing happened. It was 10:30 when everyone was back in their dorms. They agreed that word would be spread for the next game, and that the third years would be allowed in too next time. All in all, everyone had had a great night. Gred and Forge had agreed to get food for the next game. Everyone was excited.

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter styleWhere stories live. Discover now