Three; Group Chat

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the not-so virgin👏 sent a message to Shut Up, Olivia🤐

the not-so virgin👏

Okay, it's done.

the not-so baby daddy💪

Are you sure you don't want any of us to come over?

the not-so virgin👏

Not until I know the results, I don't.

the not-so husband😘

This is so suspenseful.

the QUIET one🤐

I know, right?

the not-so baby daddy💪 has removed the QUIET one🤐 from the group.

the not-so baby daddy💪

She disobeyed the rules.

the not-so best friend💁

Play nice, William.

the not-so best friend💁has added the QUIET one🤐 to the group.

 the not-so best friend💁has changed the group name to Crisis Central🚨

the not-so best friend💁 has changed the QUIET one🤐's nickname to the one that's not on the show💃

the not-so best friend💁

Now, continue.

the not-so husband😘

Is it time?

the not-so virgin👏

Well, my alarm just went off, so...

the one that's not on the show💃

Well, what's the verdict?

the not-so virgin👏

It's positive.


Oh my god

I think I might cry

the not-so baby daddy💪

I'm on my way.

the not-so husband😘

Me too.

the one that's not on the show💃

Me three.

the not-so best friend💁

I'm picking up Olivia, and so I'm also on my way.


and so it officially begins

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