Thirty-Eight; Messages

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New Message from the not-so baby daddy💪 

not-so baby daddy💪

i am sitting outside your apartment

building, please hurry up😢

the not-so virgin🤰

i know??? i'm looking at you from the window

i'm just grabbing my shoes & then i'll be out

not-so baby daddy💪

oh and you are

i think we're wearing matching shirts?

the not-so virgin🤰

great minds dress alike😉

not-so baby daddy💪

i can't wait for the articles that'll come out

after this😂 'valentina rivera and will venturi

wear matching shirts whilst out and about

together, could this be a hint towards the

paternity of baby rivera?'

the not-so virgin🤰

have you considered a career in journalism?

bc e!news would certainly hire you with that

kinda bullshit

not-so baby daddy💪


i might just send in my resume, then 

i'll write a bunch of idiotic articles about 

you and be praised for my journalism skills

the not-so virgin🤰

i'm not sure if i should threaten to disown you

or promise to give you an exclusive tbh

not-so baby daddy💪

definitely the second one tbh

have you left your apartment yet btw?

the not-so virgin🤰  

just locked the door, i'll be down in a



literally hate the layout of ^^^ the messages on the phone tbh

bUT i write on my laptop so idk how it's gonna look on the phone unless i read it on my phone, siiigh

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