Chapter 1: Welcome to the Marthins!

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My breath was so heavy, much more than anyone could imagine. Anways, that didn't prevent me from running. My run could be described much faster than a cheetah. My legs were really aching, and I felt them soaked up with some blood which I guess is mine, but who cares? I'm gonna die anways. I continued running in the empty forest, as leaves crashed right into my face.

"I have to run" I mumbled not able to breath. Although I felt like falling in any second, I just needed to run.



Air was crashing into my face, as if I was swimming in water.



While running, I managed to turn several times to check if he was following, but thanks god, he wasn't. Breathing uncontrolabaly, I continued running until I entered a path which leads into a park.

What shall I do?

Commit suicide!

Yeah that's the best idea. Like this, he can live happily ever without my presence.

I stood in the corner where no one could realize while my eyes started filling with heavy tears. Committing suicide will be the only solution, right? I started imagining how he will party after descovering my death.

Pretty cool.

Sliding my hand into my pocket, I picked out a razor which will be the cause of the death of an ugly girl. Me.

I sighed and looked right into the sky which contained little amount of sun rays causing a beautiful horizon.

"Mom, here I come" I muttered before slowly approaching the razor to my chest. I shivered as the cold razor was about to touch my chest.

It's my death moment. Finally.

My eyes teared more with every razor's approach. Come on! Nearly done!

Sighing I stabbed the razor right into my chest. Whining at the uncontrollable pain, I clutched the shirt that was soaked with my wound's blood.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE LOOSING ALOT OF BLOOD" I heard someone yelling from the back, and with every word, his voice continued muffling.

I felt a pair of unknown arms wrap around my waist and picking me into a bridal style. I wasn't even able to recognize the face since my vision started to blur out.

"Don't worry girl, I'm gonna make sure to take you to the hospital before anything bad happens" the voice spoke again as I heard his running footsteps, and that's when my vision became dark, ready to see my mom again...


It was so silent. There was nothing... As if I was in another world which only has... black. Black.

So black.

Was I in a kind of dream? I wasn't able to move. As if I don't exist.

Oh right! I was dead!

Suddenly, I started to realize that the black started to disapear. My vision became blurry and muffled voices echoed in my head.

Wait nooo! I want to be dead!

There was a moment untill the muffled voices became clear, making me easily hear.

"Do you think she's fine, doctor?" was the first thing I can hear.

"I don't know. I guess we will have to wait" a voice was added, which I guess was the doctor.

"Wait? After waiting more than two weeks?" A third voices was added into the conversation.

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