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Sasuke got up and headed to the kitchen,"Wait.....Sasuke~kun! Can I make your favorite ongiri stuffed with your beloved tomato dish?",Sakura asked. "Uh no thank you but thank you that I'm not in the mood" Sasuke said "Oh....alright,Sasuke ~kun!,Sakura smiled.

"So...who's that guy?",She asked "(Did she not hear him) Tatsumi,Sasuke said "Yeah.... I can tell what you're thinking and it was that I wasn't paying attention."

"WHO CARES WHY AM I HERE" Sasuke yells "Cuz it's your house,meanie Baka!",She said before sticking out her tongue playfully at him before going over to talk to Tatsumi who seemed to be getting along with Naruto and Kakashi,considering Naruto was like Wave and Kakashi was like Lubbock.

Sasuke walks to his room and slams the door and locks it 'Sasuke is such a rude person.... Even though I love him regardless.....',Sakura thought as she began to talk to Tatsumi. '(WHAT IS LIFE ANYMORE GOD I A NEED DRINK)' Sasuke said to himself and walked out the room to the kitchen.

When Sasuke came back everyone was still talking and seemed happier than earlier. "Drink ah here it it" Sasuke said,Everyone completely ignored Sasuke,Sasuke drunk the hole bottle and went to his room.

"Hey,Sasuke~Teme!, Tatsumi laughed knowing what Teme meat,lets go the training grounds and we can see just how much you've improved! "We can bring Tatsumi along as well! And no is not an option,you got that?",Sakura and Naruto asked "NO" said Sasuke, Sakura grabbed an very thick,poison covered needle and sliced Sasuke's wrists with it,along with cutting off an strip of his duckass looking hair.

"Like we said,no is not an option. Either agree or you'll be paralyzed for good with this poison in your system unless I heal you." Or....she had an wicked smile on you want me to cut off your ugly hair?"

"UGH FINE I'll go I need fresh air anyways Sasuke says as Sasuke walks out the door Naruto,Kakashi,and Tatsumi sweat dropped. "Will you come willingly? Or like I said,will just have a poison bald,HM?",She asked wickedly.

"I'll come willingly" Sasuke says "Heh....that's what I thought! Now! Let me heal your wrists",Sakura said as she went back to her usual self. "Hhhhhh" Sasuke said "What was that? I don't have to your wrists you know? And I don't have to cut your either.... I can simply,"Cut IT OFF.....",She said evilly,scissoring her fingers.

"Ok ok Sakura",Sasuke said in a low voice so she would shut up. "Alrighty then",Sakura smiled peppily as she began to heal Sasuke while Tatsumi was shivering hysterically in the background with Naruto laughing hysterically and Kakashi chuckling.

Later at training grounds;)

Sakura and Naruto,along with Tatsumi,got into an fighting stance while Kakashi giggled perversely in the background while reading his beloved book. Tatsumi had his sword in his hand and Naruto and Sakura glanced at him weirdly. 'His fighting stance is different than most Shinobi. Could he be a samurai?',they both thought.

Okay... "You guys can start whenever you're ready....",Kakashi stated in the background,now paying attention the training match and wondering how Tatsumi will fight. "Okay me and Tatsumi fight" Sasuke said Sakura rolled her eyes. "You expect me to fight Naruto~ Baka when he can barely even make a shadow clone?",She said teasingly. "Hey! Everyone knows that's a lie!",Naruto said. Tatsumi looked at Sakura with confusion. "What the heck is a shadow clone?",He asked. Everyone looked at him weirdly.

Anime Crossover Naruto x Akame GA KillWhere stories live. Discover now