Meanwhile on the other side of the Galaxy

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"So, land here?" The Doctor said, spinning around and hitting what seemed like random switches on the dashboard with a giddy expression on his face. The TARDIS shook with groans and wheezes. Amy, used to this type of travel, kept her balance by holding onto the handrails. Finally, it stopped. The Doctor strode over to the door and poked his head out.

"Ah!" He remarked, looking back and Amy and Rory. "This seems very familiar, I just can't place where I've seen it before." Amy jogged over and looked out.

"Weird." Outside was a pristine white hallway, the ceiling yards about. Along the floor were black diamonds stretching across the path. The three of them stepped out.

"Seriously, this is a nagging feeling in my head," the Doctor said, annoyed. "Where have I seen this before?"

"I dunno. Maybe we should explore!" Amy said excitedly. The Doctor smiled.

"Well, come along Ponds!" He grabbed Amy's hand, and as soon as she took her husbands hand, he started speed walking down the hall.

"Oh hey look!" Rory said, pointing to two large windows. "We are in space!"

Yes, they were. The author was going to describe it, but was too lazy and decided to write more of the boring story.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard echoing down the hall.

"My sapphire!" A distressed voice called. "Please wait!"

The Doctor quickly pulled Amy and Rory behind one of the white pillars. A small figure in red ran by, shouting back:

"I'm sorry, but if we are late, she'll be oh so angry!" the red figure said. "I saw it happen! Or at least in the future."

The source of the distressed voice and Amy had to hold back a gasp. The voice was from an extremly tall person with some very impressive hair.

 The voice was from an extremly tall person with some very impressive hair

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On her shoulder was yet another red person. (This ones a ruby. You all know what they look like!)

"You should pick her up once you catch up to her." She said. "Even though she can run faster than you, it would look unproffessional if she didnt show up without her Ruby and Red Quartz guards."

"Since when does a ruby know about being proffessional?" Red Quartz said smiling at the smaller gem.

"Well, were not supposed to," the Ruby said, shrugging. "So usually keep my opinions to myself." The pair continued down the hall, still after the running Sapphire.

"Who were they?" Rory said, stepping out from behind the pillar.

"Red aliens from space," Amy guessed. 'I don't know."

"We should follow them," the Doctor said, walking quickly down the hall.

"Okay?" Amy said. Why follow them, she didn't know. The three of them saw the gems walk through a glowing white wall. What any normal person would do is walk away, but the Doctor and his companions were not normal. So they decided to walk through the white wall.

"This should allow us to go through!" The Doctor said, stepping forward. The wall buzzed and he was thrown backwards down the hall.

"Doctor!" Amy yelled, rushing towards him, Rory following close behind.

"Oh." He said, sitting up. "I guess we can't go through that door."

"Are you okay?" Rory said.

"Yes, I am completely fine," the Doctor quickly scanned the door with his sonic screwdriver. "If you had gone through that door, it would have been a different story." He finished scanning. "Just as I thought! This door only allows Non-organic life forms through."

"So were just going to have to find another way through."

"Precisely!" The Doctor said with a smile.


After wandering through what seemed like an endless hallway, Pearl was ready to quit.

"There is no way we are going to find Garnet if we keep going like this!" She said in distressed.

"Relax P!" Amethyst said in her usual relaxed state. "I'm sure Garnet can take care of herself!"

"It's been two weeks, and we haven't heard anything from Garnet! What if she's in danger! We should have never come here!"

"We weren't even the ones that came here. It was only Garnet because she's the only one who can swim in lava." Steven said, shield in hand. "We didnt know that it was going to lead us to this place!"

"It seems like an abandoned gem base to me!" Amethyst said brightly, summoning her whip. "Something about this gives me a bad feeling though."

"Oh look!" Pearl exclaimed. "Light!" The three of them rushed over to end of the cavern to find that source of the light was coming from something they would rather not see.

It was a cave full of hundreds of shattered gems.

A/N Once I'm done because I'm lazy I'll put up pictures of Red Sapphire and some of my other oc's. The picture of Red quartz does not belong to me.

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