Link x reader(forget-me-nots)

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So in this one shot link has hay fever and is allergic to pollen. You, my reader,used to be his servant and link has a rather cold personality....Hehehe kinda weird right? Oh whale   ¯\_()_/¯ also, you were sorta maybe kidnapped by link....yeah....ENJOY


Flower shops were the bane of Links existence. The sweet, floral smells were overwhelming in a small building and his senses were always assulted when he walked near these shops. He sniffled a few times as he looked around with a purpose, a disgusted grimace on his face. No one was going to walk up to him and offer help, put off by his aggressive aura. Receiving help from others always made him feel weak and useless, needing another human being to assist him in simple tasks. His blue eyes scrutinized the flowers in front of him as he searched for the kind and color he was looking for, thinking back to why he was there in the first place.

Link had decided one afternoon to take a walk, imploring (y/n) to come along with him. He never liked letting the girl out of his sight or letting her stay in the estate by herself. The woods behind the house were extravagant and vast, offering a safe haven for anyone that needed a few moments escape from the outside world. Both he and (y/n) knew these areas well and occasionally they'd take walks such as this. They walked side by side in silence,  Link focused on the path ahead of them while his lover surveyed the land around them with a curious gaze, almost tripping a few times from her clumsiness. The blonde trotted along with her , sticking close to assure him she wouldn't run off. Link was possessive and without realizing so sometimes too. He always worried  (Y/n) would leave him or someone would come and steal his girlfriend  away from him. (Y/n) herself had developed a Stockholm syndrome dependence on the male and rarely went anywhere without him. She loved him deeply out of desperation, out of the will to survive. She didn't mind this unhealthy relationship,  however, between the two; it gave her something to focus on and get her through the day.

Throughout the walk, (y/n) kept stopping to admire the flowers blooming, telling her stoic boyfriend about their meanings and which ones were her favorite. She kneeled in front of one patch of flowers, gently petting the petals with his fingertips with a sigh of, "these are my favorite."

That was a few days ago and now here he was, nose running as he searched for Forget-Me-Nots. (f/c) ones to be exact. Link let out a huff of relief when he found them--his eyes had begun to water-- and quickly he paid for the small bouquet before leaving, rubbing at his eyes with his sleeve and breathing through his mouth.

He was careful with the flowers on the way back to the house, his allergies bothering him greatly. If it was for anyone else, he would have gotten someone else to buy them, but (y/n) was his everything and only the best for what's his.

(y/n) was there to greet him at the door,formally like she had been taught all those years ago. She stood up straight, barely reaching the man's chin, and bowed politely,  stepping aside to let the young master in. "Welcome back Mr. Link . Is there anything I can help you with?" The girl smiled sweetly, though her calm look did nothing to distract Link from her shaking hands, (y/n) was always shaking, as if she expecting him to attack at any moment

"Get these flowers out of my sight." Link huffed,  a nasily sound. He held them out to his lover, indicating they  were for her. (Y/n)s breath caught as she looked at the flowers after accepting them into her arms, gently touching the petals.

Forget-Me-Nots; everlasting love. Gently, the girl set the bouquet down on the side table beside her before leaning up to place a kiss on Link lips, a gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you.."she mumbled against his lips, drawing a sigh from the male as he wrapped his arms around (y/n)s waist. Link returned the kiss, pleased with the response his moment of romantic display had brought. They shared a few sweet kisses in the foyer, not bothering to shut the door, before Link sneezed in her face.

LOOOL YOU THOUGHT!!!...sorry....its from a video.....
BREATH OF THE WIIIILD HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should do a one shot soon based on botw...hmmmmm

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