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Shoutout to :

rootbeerbabe because she is amazing and I love her already 🌟

Check her stories out 👀

Ava's POV

God, where am I ?

What happened?

Why can't I open my eyes?

Questions like these run through my mind making me even more confused and tired.

Why am I so tired?


Now I remember.

Well, not all of it but some parts...

Three guys appeared at café after closing hours but I served them their  coffee anyway, then this other guy came and.....

Then what happened?

I just can't rap my head around it...

"Why isn't she waking up?" I hear someone say. He sounds familiar...

It's the guy from the café.


Oh shit!

Am I crazy?

What the hell was I thinking?

While I'm busy bombarding myself with questions that I have no answers for more people join my unconscious self and Xavier in the room.

"Why isn't she waking up?" He repeated louder this time.

"It's okay boss don't worry her body is  probably still recovering, she did lose a lot of blood" a man whose voice I did not recognize said.

"We should have brought her here sooner instead of arguing so much. It's my fault!"

"Dude relax, Johnson said that she'll be alright and she will be. Why do you care so much?"
Said... Travis... Yes, this one was surely Travis.

"I don't care! Stop saying that I do!" Xavier yells at him and my heart loses a bit.

I don't know why I'm disappointed to learn that he doesn't care about me, he just met me. Why should he care?

It's not like I took a bullet for him or something.

Oh wait I did.


Screw him. I'm back to my old opinion about him. He's an asshole I could have died and he wouldn't give a shit about it!

"Maybe we should wake her up or something?" I recognize Sebastian's voice coming directly from above me.

"No, and get away from her face kid, let her breath" says the guy who is probably this Johnson dude.

"It's been hours what if she doesn't wake up?"

"Don't be stupid her heart is beating perfectly fine and steady."

"Alright Johnson I'll call you if I need something else, you can go now." Xavier says

"Of course boss"

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