Chapter 2: Guil and Yoruichi

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Bold is pokespeech

Italics is telepathy or emphasis

The two pokemon and one human made it to the lighting and saw a group of spearow attacking a shiny pikachu. What is a shiny pokemon you ask? Well they're not just different colored pokemon, they are pokemon that are proven to be born two times stronger than their non shiny counter parts. Unfortunately Chara and Frisk don't fit under this category...

"Knuckles use flamethrower to take some of the spearow out. Chara, you use dark pulse and do the same" Ash ordered his two pokemon, that were out. Knuckles let loose a stream of fire from his mouth, sweeping as many spearow as possible with it. At the same time a pulse of purplish-black energy soared towards the spearow coming from Chara in the form of a circle. When it hit the first line of spearow it dispatted, which caused Chara to use another dark pulse. As this was happening Ash ran over to the shiny pikachu and started healing it with potions. Said pikachu watched the human in surprise. One spearow kept getting back up even after it was hit.

"I will not give up! Even when my flock has fallen I will fight" the spearow stated.

"Why are you fighting? What did the pikachu do?" Ash asked, talking in pokespeech the way Knuckles taught him. To humans it would sound like he was saying spearow like the bird pokemon did.

"You speak our language?" The spearow asked, surprised.

"Yes, I asked my pokemon, Knuckles, to teach me" Ash nodded, making the pikachu even more impressed.

"That's amazing!" The spearow stated, in awe. Then he remembered the question Ash had asked. "Ahem, getting back on track. To answer your question the pikachu stole some of our berries. These berries had just gotten ripe and we were going to harvest them to feed them new hatchlings" the spearow replied.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. You see I'm new to these forests and I had no idea" the pikachu apologized, sincerely.

"Then we are sorry for attacking you without an explanation" the spearow bowed his head in shame.

"Next time I'll know better, at least it taught me a lesson to ask a pokemon nearby before I eat something" the pikachu said, sheepishly.

"Well, at least we solved that. We should heal your flock" Knuckles stated, when he talked in pokespeech it sounded like he was saying different variations of Knuckles. Ash nodded in agreement and called out Asriel.

"What do you need, Ash?" Asriel asked, saying his name the same as Knuckles.

"Can you use heal pulse on the spearow?" Ash asked his friend, whenever he turned to a certain pokemon he was saying their name, but when he was talking to a group of pokemon he would be saying his name.

"Sure, I saw what happened from the television in my pokeball" Asriel nodded, healing the spearow.

"Pokeballs have televisions?" The spearow that apologized asked, well now he wasn't the only one as all the other spearow were apologizing to the shiny pikachu, who looked very embarrassed at this point. You could clearly see part of her fur had turned red, meaning she was blushing.

"Yeah! Once you're caught the pokeball registers your likes and dislikes and customizes the pokeball for you! The only reason why Knuckles and Chara don't like it is because they are afraid to be alone" Asriel pointed out and both of them blushed. Knuckles didn't like to admit it but the betrayal affected him more than he cared to say. It caused him to be afraid of being alone.

"Guil, you coming?" One of the other spearow asked.

"I'm going to stay here, Ace. I would like to become your pokemon if you'll have me" the first spearow, Guil apparently, asked.

"I'd love to have you, but can I ask you a question? Are you pokemon named by your parents like humans?" Ash asked, his curiosity bubbling over.

"Yep" Guil nodded.

"What's your name Ms. pikachu?" Ash asked, looking towards the shiny pikachu.

"I don't have one, my parents never wanted me. It was when I evolved into a pikachu to protect them I finally realized this. That's how I ended up here. I ran away from my parents and my pack basically" The shiny pikachu stated.

"Then I'll give you a name! How about...Yoruichi?" Ash suggested.

"I like it!" She agreed with a nod.

"Then now you can introduce yourself as Yoruichi to other pokemon" Ash smiled.

"I'm coming with you!" She told him, tapping a pokeball and catching herself.

"Hey! I wanted to get caught first! That's no fair!" Guil yelled, pecking a pokeball and catching himself as well.

"I think only you can manage that, Ash" Knuckles stated with a shake of his head.

"Whatever, let's just get going, return" Ash stated, embarrassed, while returning Asriel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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