Hi stranger
It's been a while
I've missed you
It's okay
you can look at my butt
I feel like I can really be vulnerable around you
*tree appears*
Do you like the tree I made?
Cool right
I thought it was cool
It's so hard to make things sometimes ya know?
it just takes so much mental energy
and I just get so tired
I just want to sit here and relax with you
check out the sunset
it's so nice to stop and take all this in
it makes you enjoy being alive
even you
I love looking at you
I want to remember all your shapes
*draws picture*
I've been thinking about you a lot lately
I see you trying to do so many things at once
worrying about a decision you made
worried you said the wrong thing to someone
your so hard on yourself
but your wonderful
and worthy of being loved
you really are
you just have to let yourself believe it
well I know your really busy and you probably have to go
I'm glad I got to see you for a minute
I love you