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So. . . something awful happened to me. .


I was even thinking not writing it here but I guess I just had no one to talk to for now.

So, in short. I'm describe as my two bestfriends as an open book.

And there's this one friend of mine whom I thought I'm very closed with. I thought she was like family to me. I mean I've known her for almost 2yrs already and holy shit we've been through a lot.

But there was this day (last night) where I wanted to talk to her about work and ask how was her work and all. (As what I always do) but she just shut me out. She started shouting at me saying that, You already know that! (Talking about work) You know her already! (The coworker we have). Why do you have to ask the same questions over and over again. Just shut up and don't say anything.

(Maybe I am annoying, huh?)

The whole ride was quiet and no one was talking. So fucking awkward.

Then one of my bestfriend said that maybe she's just stressed out at work and she feels pissed off thats why.

And so that's what I believed.

But then her texts came to my phone. I read it and she did apologize. I forgave her of course, she's family. But what broke my heart is what she texted after her apology. . .

You're a stranger to me. . I can't tell you anything.

That moment when your heart broke into a million pieces because you thought the person who you treat as family does not even see you as a friend

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That moment when your heart broke into a million pieces because you thought the person who you treat as family does not even see you as a friend.

Now, I feel like I don't have any friends that I can be closed with. . . *sigh*

I'll just leave you at that.

PS: Give me a bit of time to move on(or maybe distract myself?) to this phase. So I can update my FFs without having an emotional break down. Or causing such unecessary scenes.

Thank you.

entry 7: 03. 28. 2017

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