/ / L A T E N I G H T / /

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Been a while to update my journal.

Anyways. I'm just thinking about some story and thinks that if I dont write it I might forgot. Anyways, here it is. It's just a SKETCH/DRAFT just in case.



I was crying. Hugging my knees while leaning on the tree that was standinh firmly behind me.

I don't know but right now. During these times. I'm not my cheerful self.

Everyone knows that. They understand it. So they're giving me the space that I need. But right now, I don't want to be alone.

I hate being alone.

I'm scared.

"Here. Take it." I heard a voice said. I looked up and saw a girl offering her handkerchief to me. I scanned her from head to toe and she was wearing a high school uniform. She had that smile yet her eyes showed an obvious concern.

I took it and thanked her. I wiped my tears then saw her sit beside me.

"Must be hard, huh?" She said nonchalantly as if she knows what I'm going through. I looked at her. She extended her arm towards my head then gently brushed her hand on top of my head. "You worked so hard."

Then I cried.

I heard her clear her throat then stood up. She offered her hand to me with a determined face.

"I've decided." She said. "I'm gonna make you smile tonight." I took her hand unknowningly then she pulled me up. She did not let go of my hand and just dragged me to places she wanted to go.

We went to so many places which I couldn't even remember existing in Seoul.

We stopped on Mapo Bridge as she leaned over and screamed all of a sudden. I looked at her weirdly then shs pushed me near the edge too and pat my back.

"You need to let it all go." She said. "Don't keep it in cause you're gonna explode and ended up doing stupid things."

I screamed out and it felt so good. I felt so much better after. I turned to her side and saw her looking over the river. She looked so serious then I saw a tear running down her cheek. She wiped it quickly then smiled to me.

"How do you feel?"

"Better." I said.



She pulled me again and we were in the park. She laid down the grass and as much as I dont want to, she forced me to. She was pointing some constellations and stars.

"You see that shining bright star right there?" She said as I looked at the direction she was pointing at. It was one of the smaller stars but shines brighter than the other stars. "That's me if I die."

I looked at her as she turned to my side as well. She held my face and looked at me fondly.

"You have to remember me when I die." She said. "Remember that when you were alone, a girl named Y/N came in and saved you." I nodded.

She stood up then helped me as well. "Well, I guess we need to go home now?" She said. There's a part of me that doesnt want her to leave but I couldnt just ask her to stay with me when I dont even know anything about her beside being a star in the next life.

We got to my dorm as I heard her gasp in awe.

"You live here?"


"I live just on that red brick house there!" She exclaimed while I hid my smile. I was hiding my happiness that I know I get to 'accidentally' bump into her. "Well, I guess this is goodbye?" I nodded.

She took a deep breath then pulled me into a hug. I gaaped a little but managed to control myself. "Don't forget me." She said.

"I won't."

She pulled away from the hug then held my face. "I wish I've met you before this night." She said as she looked as if she's about to cry.


I watched her leaving the entrance of our dorm and I couldn't stop myself from doing that. I pulled her arm to me then gave her a kiss. I felt her gasp in my mouth but I just brushed it off.

We pulled away and I saw her crying. I wiped her tears then she gave me another peck then began walking away.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I shouted at her then she nodded with a forced smile.


The next morning I couldn't help myself but smile from what happened yesterday.

I quickly left the dorm to 'jog' and work out. I headed to that red brick house Y/N was talking about. Now that I looked at it carefully. The looks so unmanaged and old. Maybe Y/N is just so busy to not able to clean it. I was on my tiptoes looking over the gates and casually pressing the doorbell.

I was standing there for over 15minutes already and there was no sign of people answering.

"Oh? Young man are you looking for people living in there?" I heard an old woman asking behind me while holding her groceries.

"The family already left to States after their only daughter's accident." she exclaimed to me.

"Accident?" I asked.

"Yeah, the parents think their daughter fell on the bridge accidentally but I think it's intentional." She said as my mind was already blank at what this old woman is saying.

"I mean I always see the parents always ignoring their daughter while she was alive. Poor Y/N. She was a very kind girl."

"I'm sorry. Can you repeat what the daughter's name is?" I asked checking if I misheard it.

"Y/N. Y/F/N. She in her senior year of High School when she died."

So the Y/N that I saw last night was a ghost? How?

entry 9: 11. 29. 2017

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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