Chapter Twenty Four: Home Again

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I thanked Mitsunari for the hospitality once again before we left to go back to Kai. I felt kinda bad, leaving him there. But I promised I would visit often.

Yukimura scooped me up into his arms and carried me, as he climbed onto his horse. I felt like a maiden who had just been saved from a dragon, the way my arms were around his neck. I leaned against Yukimura's warm chest and was prepared to fall asleep there.

When we finally reached the gates of Kai, I was happy to see it. I felt at home, and I never wanted to leave.

I asked Kanbe to stay, even though he said he needed to return to his work in the mines. I didn't want him to go, but he said he would be back soon.

Yukimura led me to the castle. The doors that led to Lord Shingen's chambers were open, and he wasn't in his room. We looked around to find him, with Sasuke's help. He was in the courtyard, swinging a mighty axe at some dummies. I was amazed!

"Your Lordship! I have brought (Y/N) from Osaka!" He called.

Lord Shingen was already huge when I saw him laying down some time ago. But now that we stood, he towered over me, even more so than Kanbe! I felt so small next to him. He wore tiger stripes and a fuzzy red headrests.

"Hello, my Lord." I greeted.

"So you talked... Yukimura told me you found your voice."

"Yes, My Lord, thanks to him." I smiled. "It's nice to finally officially meet you."

"Likewise." He dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "I thank you for the herbs you sent so that I may walk again!"

"Me too, my lady!" Yukimura added and dropped to his knees next to Lord Shingen. "There is no telling what I would have done had his lordship passed from such an illness!!"

"Yukimura! Let us not speak of that!"

"Um..." I was speechless, and half embarrassed.

"Word of advice..."Sasuke whispered. "Now that they're both up and well, there's gonna be alot of this. Better get used to it."

I felt out of place. Sasuke had already gotten used to the awkward air that surrounded these two, and their painfully obvious bromance.

"I would not be here without you, Lady (Y/N). Where on Earth did you find such a rare herb?" Lord Shingen asked.

"Well first, we should all thank Sasuke. He taught me after all." I explained. "But apparently, Lord Mitsunari and I planted these when we were little. Just planting a single leaf can make an entire crop grow. He told me there was a time we needed it, so we planted some leaves and hoped for the best." I explained. "I know that we can do the same here. So when we really need it, we will never have to deal with such an illness again."

"What was that, an acceptance speech?" Sasuke elbowed me playfully. I laughed. I was just so happy to be home!!

I trained a little with Sasuke, just to show him I still sharpened my skills while I was away. He walked me to the castle later on, when lanterns filled the market. It was beautiful, and I almost didn't want to go home. But Yukimura was there.

"Good evening my lady!" Yukimura kissed my hand upon greeting me. He was dressed in something other than his usual red armor. This time he wore something similar but it was white. I just took in the scenery like I always did.

"Good evening, My Lord.." I smiled.

"There's something I need you to do for me. It's another escort mission."

"Now?" I asked in a way that made me sound like I was joking​, but I was really asking. I was tired!

"Yes, now. Please prepare for our departure."

I didn't let Yukimura hear me sigh when I turned around and began walking to my room.

When I opened my door, it was lit with beautiful lanterns, the way the market had been when I saw it some time ago. The lanterns trailed along the walls, and led my gaze to my bed where there was a kimono spread out. It was red with a yellow obi.

"Do you like it?" Yukimura asked, as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I love it. It's beautiful, Yukimura.."

"I am happy that you do. And, it was not an escort mission, I just said that to have you check in here." He explained proudly, like it was the first time he had surprised someone. "My Lady, will you accompany me to the Sakura festival tonight?"

"A Sakura festival? I've never been to a festival.."

"Allow me, My Lady." He kissed my hand again.

"I'd love to go." I smiled. He did too, before leaving the room so that I could change.

I wasn't going to tell Yukimura that I didn't know how to put on such a beautiful garment. He went out of his way to get it for me, I needed to atleast try.

The kimono was already put together like it was on display at some point. After washing up a bit, because I was smelly after training, I attempted to put the kimono on. I was successful. Then I put my hair up the only way I knew how. I was a mess.

"Beautiful." Yukimura assured, like he could read my insecurity.

"My Lord, I was wondering..Why aren't you wearing your usual red?"

"Because, My love..." He began, and gently placed a beaded flower pin in my hair, "tonight, you are the center of the universe."

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