Superpostion (Part 2)

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People apparently like this??? So I guess I'll update after a million years, lol.

Stiles had noticed that Scott had been off all day. Every time he saw Scott, he was clutching the scarf they had found in his bag that morning, deep in thought. If he was being completely honest, it was freaking him out a little. Could it be possible his friend would be selling stuff like that on the black market? Stiles scolded himself for jumping to conclusions, but it was the only rational explanation he could think of. Stiles had never seen Scott so puzzled. On the other hand, he too had noticed something weird. He felt like something was missing, some sort of banter. Of course, things were absolutely amazing with Lydia, and they carried out chit-chat all the time. But he felt as though there was someone else who deserved his mockery.
"So," Stiles said. "Did Kira answer your text about prom?"
"There's no wifi in the desert, Stiles."
"Okay, but do you plan on going with her?"
"Uh-huh." he replied absentmindedly.
"Are you even listening to me?"
Stiles rolled his eyes and blocked Scott's path. With one hand on either of Scott's shoulders, Stiles shook him gently. "Okay, Scotty. You gotta wake up," he slapped Scott's face lightly. "What's going on?"
Scott shrugged. "I just feel off, I guess."
"Why? You are the captain of the lacrosse team-"
"You are the Alpha! You are like the hot girl that every wants," Stiles gave him a smile of confidence.
Scott perked up. "I'm the hot girl?"
"You are the hottest girl," Stiles assured.
Scott beamed. "I'm the hot girl," he repeated.
Yes, yes you are.
A strange sense of deja vu filled him. Stiles flinched, but didn't say anything. Maybe it was from a dream he didn't remember.
Suddenly, Scott stood up straight.  Oh
"What? Do you smell something?"
"Uh... No, no." Scott replied, his mind elsewhere. "Hey, go to class... I'll.. I'll catch up with you in a sec."
Stiles furrowed his eyebrow.
"Seriously, I'll be right after you." Scott gave him an unconvincing smile and clapped him on the back, then proceeded to run in the opposite direction.

Stiles couldn't help but feel a sense of impending dread.

In Biology, a subject Scott would like to think he was actually good at, he was about as focused as Stiles.
That being said, Lydia has to nudge him in the ribs a good couple of times before he himself realized he was spacing out.
"What is with you today?" She whispered, trying to focus on the lesson.
Scott blinked, if he was being honest, he didn't even know. It felt like someone had gauged out a huge chuck of his brain. Was he going crazy? It was like he forgot his keys at home or something, except this feeling felt of a lot higher magnitude than just keys.
He raised his hand. "I... uh, I need to go to the bathroom."
Before he received a reply, Scott found himself sprinting down the hall. He didn't know where he was going, but he felt like he was tracking something.
"Scott, where are you going?" Ms. Martin asked as he rushed past her.
"No time, Ms. Martin!" He called over his shoulder. The words tumbled out of his mouth accidentally. Surly, he was in no rush, right? But then again, why was he running?
He burst through the door of the school, making his way over to the lacrosse fields. He faulted in pace, the turf just a dim reminder that he would be leaving all of this soon. Regardless, he jogged across the field until he reached the bleachers. Scott froze for a moment, cocking his head to one side. The metal seemed shinier in the daytime, which was ironic considering how dirty it was.
Cautiously, he placed one foot onto the first step.
You need to get out of here, okay? Run as fast as you can.
He flinched. The voice didn't sound familiar in his head. He took another step.
They're coming for me, you still have time.
Something in him sent chill down his spine. He set another foot forward.
You've looked cold, even when you said you weren't.
Scott thought of the scarf, gray and uncomfortably familiar.
I think I caused more problems when I was here.
He desperately wanted to tell the voice in his head otherwise. Up two steps.
I'm going to remember you!
No, no you're not.
Scott took another step forward, but found nothing but empty backside of the bleachers. His foot found nothing but air, and by the time he snapped out of it, it was too late.
"Scott!" Someone yanked him back. "What the hell are you doing??"
Dazed, Scott's eyes found Liam, who was confused and frightened. "I- I don't remember."

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