Chapter 36 Celebration! / Fading..

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Gameknights pov

In a few minutes, everyone that was underground, had come up to celebrate.  "So, every village selibrates my first arivel... every year?" I asked for the 5th time, still confused about it. Crafter laughed along with the NPC'S nearby who heard my ask again, "Yes User-that-is-not-a-User! Everyone does!" I blinked, still processing it, Hunter was laughing  somewhere nearby, spreading the story of how I used the Gateway of Light for the first time.

She had asked earlier if she could share, and I let her, being a bit embarrassed to do so myself. I was sitting on the rim of the well, in the center of the festivities. "User-that-is-not-a-User? How did you react the first time that you woke up here in Minecraft?" Crafter asked loudly, the noise died down, everyone wanting to hear what I had to say.

I kicked my feet slightly thinking, "Well, it took me a little while to process that I was in Minecraft. I thought that it was all a vivid dream of some sort, I didn't know that all of this was real." I laughed lightly, "In till a spider knocked some sense into me. I freaked out, and ran, we eventually killed it using the waterfall at my spawn. But by then I knew that this was no dream." I told them. "I still remember some of my thoughts from back then, 'Pain is real, Is death real?' That scared me into making my hiddy hole, and we eventually made ower way here."

Crafter nodded his head, "Speaking of the others, where are they?" I shrugged, "I don't know..." Everyone's attention was drawn away from me, I felt weird, looking at my hands I saw them slightly translucent, I could see the ground beneath me, I looked at my arm, the same results, It's like I'm fading away..... I thought shocked. In a few minutes I wove my way out of the crowd.

I sigh and sinked down into a sitting position my back up agenst the wall of a house, one leg out, the other knee up extended halfway. I close my eyes, I had to get away from everyone, I don't know why but I feel sick & my body has been aching even though I have just recovered from Herobrine's... torture..."Gameknight? Are you ok...." Hunters asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. I had a feeling that someone would look for me, since I have not really been myself lately, I guess Hunter saw me leave. I look at her, Hunter's nealing next to me, looking worried. She seem to be worried about me even more, some reason after Herobrine kidnapped me, she stays near me most of the time...not that I mind..

I slump my shoulders, I can't dont want to hide this for much longer... I'll tell Hunter what's going on...the fact that I almost blackout every day...that I feel like I'm fading body hear in minecraft is healed but It still aches when I move to much, but I have a feeling that my actual body in the physical world is not faring to well... if it gets any worse then I will tell everyone.

I struggled to get the words out, "I'm fine Hunter, it's just....I don't feel...normal... it feels like every day im..." I paused as -fading- flashed through my head but I can't tell her that...not yet any way.... " I don't even know... remember the first night hear after the reck, when I had that nightmare? I never got to say thank you after that... well before you got me out of thar something happened...." she tilts her head, confused. "When Herobrine stared to really sink that knife into me...something warm gripped my stayed their in till you back..." Hunters eyes widened at this, shocked, "...I blackout almost every day... I may look and act like I'm able to fight against the Monster kings...but... I still hurt... my body aches when I push myself.... I don't think my body at home is fairing to well.... i-i feel l-like I'm fa-" I cached myself, Hunter grabbed my hand gently, squeezing it gently.

"Gameknight....what? What were you going to say... you can tell me...and if you don't want to tell, that's ok... but I won't tell anyone unless something really big happens." She said kindly, she pulling me into a hug, still holding my hand. I hugged back, Hunter's soft crimson curls brushing against my face. "Fading....I was going to say fading.." I whimper, Hunter stiffened for just an instant, "Oh...Gameknight....your not a shadow, you won't fade... I won't let you..." With that I brake in her arms.

She Held Me Through Out The Night, And Into The Morning Light... Leting Me Cry Into Her Chest, And Did I Cry...

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