Do you ever wonder: The American Soldier

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Hmmm.... Do you ever wonder about him or her? Have you forgotten the one who goes out into foreign lands to do what very few do? He wants so bad bad to be home to make love to his wife and see his baby girl be born but he does his duty to keep you and I free! It's he or she who goes into the valley of the shadow of death to protect us all! Has it ever crossed you mind to pray for the person who has to decide wether or not to shoot a child who may be a suicide bomber?
Do you not realize that that when you don't stand for the anthem at school it makes your friend's dad want to cry? It makes him want to cry because he went through hell to keep this place the place that it is. Do you remember when you laughed at your neighbour for the scar on her face? Well she got it when she was in the navy! That brave neighbor of your's jumped in front of a grenade to protect an Iraq girl and her fellow servicemen!
Oh yeah, did you ever ask yourself why your grandpa and grandma never come to see the fireworks with you on the Fourth of July? Your grandpa fought in ww2 and the fireworks bring back horrible pictures he wants so bad to forget! Your grandma loves Him so she stays home to hold him and cover his ears when the loud booms go off!
They come back to a place where it's hard to adjust! They have all of the images in their heads of horrible things they went through for us! Maybe you will think of that the next time you see a soldier! Many support them but too many do not! So please think before you speak , stay seated, or burn The Old Glory!
Pray for a soldier today and Thank one every chance you get! If you can't do that at least don't disrespect them, call them names or burn the flag they fought for because they are the heroes who keep this land free and safe! Maybe next time you should wonder some!
Thank you mean and women who protect us! 🇺🇸 This chapter is dedicated to you! (:

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