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Most people didn't have access to speak to Arceus whenever they wanted, but Ash was a special case

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Most people didn't have access to speak to Arceus whenever they wanted, but Ash was a special case. After all, he had saved him at one time during his travels and of course, he was Arceus' chosen one. Because of this, Ash pretty much had an open invitation to go and see Arceus in the Hall of Origins at any time.

The only condition was that he had to let someone specific know first so that they could bring him there. And so, Ash closed his eyes and thought of the place he intended to go. Once he opened his eyes again, he was exactly where his mind had pictured.

Inside the Tree of Beginning.

Ash could appear inside of the tree only because it knew that it meant it no harm after what he'd done to save it all those years ago. This was why he didn't have to worry about the guardians of the tree coming after him.

While he was now inside of the tree, he still had to find Mew, something that was easier said than done. Mew could be anywhere, doing anything, and she may even be in the form of another pokemon at the moment.

With no other way to find her, Ash yelled out. "Mew!"

Ash waited a few moments, hoping that his yell had reached the small pokemon through the expanse of the tree. About 20 seconds later, Mew appeared in front of Ash, cooing happily and flying around him.

Ash smiled and laughed at the cheery pokemon's antics. Mew had always liked Ash a lot, so a visit from him would forever be welcomed.

Mew then proceeded to fly into Ash's arms. Ash had learned during his first encounter with Mew after his death that she was one of the only things that he could physically touch while in his 'viewing state' on Earth. He'd asked Arceus about this and he'd said that it was because Mew was a legendary pokemon, and the legendary pokemon existed on a number of different planes, including the one Ash was currently on.

Ash rubbed Mew behind the ears for a few moments, with the pink pokemon vocalizing her approval.

"Hey, Mew. It's good to see you again!" Ash said to the pokemon in his arms, earning a nod in response. "And while I am glad to see you, I am here for something. I need you to take me to Arceus."

Mew flew out of Ash's arms after what he'd said and nodded, knowing that Ash was allowed to see Arceus whenever he wanted, within reason of course.

Ash smiled at the pink pokemon. "Thank you, Mew. I really appreciate it."

Mew cooed happily in response before closing her eyes and concentrating. Ash followed her lead, closing his eyes as well and waiting to be teleported. It wasn't but a few seconds later that the two appeared inside of the Hall of Origin.

Ash looked around, taking in just how grand the place was. Even after seeing it a number of times, its sheer size and beautiful appearance still surprised him.

Ash then looked toward the large doors just down the hall, knowing that Arceus would be behind them.

Before he began walking toward the doors, Ash turned to Mew one more. "Thank you, Mew. I'll see you again soon, alright?"

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