Consumed By Grief

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Authors Note: Managed to type up a storm today so here's the 2nd chapter.

Let me know what you think!

Once again, he was sitting in the Maple household, but no one would've ever guessed that

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Once again, he was sitting in the Maple household, but no one would've ever guessed that.

After all, no one could see him.

He was standing in the doorway between the family room and the kitchen, his eyes glued on the beautiful brunette currently occupying one of the couches in the family room.

All he could do was look on sadly as May cried silent tears and stared blankly out the window, a scene that'd become all to familiar to him over the past couple of years. She'd been like this for almost an hour, which wasn't uncommon in the slightest.

The only thing that broke her out of this state was the call of her name. "May! Can you come here, please?"

May recognized her mother's voice coming from the kitchen. Sighing, May stood up and approached the room her mother was currently in.

He watched as May approached him, not moving from his position in the doorway.

While he'd expected her to simply continue into the kitchen, for some reason, May'd stopped just a few inches from him.

And even though it may have seemed as if she did...

May had no idea that the man she'd been crying over for the past two years was standing right in front of her.

May broke out of the momentary stupor that'd caused her to pause her stride and continued on.

Without any interference, she walked right through Ash's being and into the kitchen. After May went through him, Ash turned around and followed May to her destination. He then watched the interaction between mother and daughter.

"I made you your favorite meal for dinner, honey! Why don't you sit down and I'll make you up a plate?" Caroline spoke as happily as she could.

May's expression never changed from the sad and stoic one it held almost all the time nowadays. "No thanks, Mom. I'm not very hungry."

Without giving her mother a chance to respond, May walked back into the living room and reclaimed her position on the couch.

Ash watched as Caroline sighed and a sad look overcame her features. Tears were clearly building up in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall. She let these emotions control her for a few moments before she took a deep breath and composed herself as best she could.

Having done this, Caroline went to work cleaning up the mess she'd made while cooking this food, which was now going to be wasted.

For the millionth time since the accident, Ash found himself heartbroken. He wanted nothing more than for May to move on with her life, to enjoy it once again. But even after two years, that still didn't seem like a possibility.

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