Chapter 3

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"We should probably get going," Veronica says once she has her last sip from her drink.

"Oh, yeah we should," I smile.

The truth is, I didn't want to leave. Despite of what happened earlier today, but I'll just push that to the back of my mind, right now. I sigh.

"Betty?" she asks.

"Hmm?" I look back at her, escaping from my small daydream.

"So...," she smirks, which makes me roll my eyes. "Are you going to talk to Jughead about your feelings?"


"Why?" she exclaims.

"Becau--" I try to say, but she interrupts me.

"Come on, I'll help you," she holds both my hands.

I look at her suspiciously "And how are you going to do that?"

She looks at me, for a moment, and I tilt my head, confusion, probably, evident on my face. Then, suddenly, her face splits into a grin, and I've realized what I have done.


"If you want to know so badly, let me help you," she leans forward and starts caressing my hands.

I start blushing, profusely, from how close she is. Her soft touch against my skin gave me a slight shiver. I pull my hands away, and she looks at me concerned. I make eye contact with her, but I look down, immediately. I wanted, so badly, to tell her how I actually felt, but I got myself into this mess, so I have go through with this.

"Fine...," I mumble. I look up, and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Really?" her eyes sparkled, and I was so mesmerized by them.

I look outside, as I nod, and I felt myself being pulled in towards her. I turn my head to look at Veronica, and I realize that we are only centimetres apart.

"You are not going to be disappointed," she smiles. "Your are going to get your man."

I smile back, and in that moment I received a text. Veronica pulls away, so I can check my phone.

Mom: Where are you!!!

Received 10:23 PM

"Shit!" I shout. I cover my mouth, but luckily it's gotten so late that Veronica and I were the only costumers here. But, unfortunately, I have lost track of time, and now my Mom is wondering where I am.

"What's the matter?"

"My mom just texted me," her eyes flash a concerned look. "I know, so I have to go, now."

"Right," she says, as she gathers her belongings. 

We both get up, and head for the door. Once we're outside, we look a each other, before we part ways. "Well, I had a nice time."

"Me too...," I flash a smile. We stand there for a moment in silence, and I decide to speak up "I should probably go."

"Yeah, you probably should," she laughs. "Good luck with handling your mom, by the way," I laugh as well.

I start walking away, but I'm still facing the shorter girl "Good night, Ronnie."

"Good night, Betty," she waves at me.


Short chapter for today, but this was just a filler chapter.

I'm having massive amounts of writer's block, so please forgive me if this chapter is really bad.

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