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These next few chapter are going to be the GoM's thoughts on kuroko leaving. The first is going to be the famous Aomine Daiki!

..................................Aomine P.O.V...................

I remember when we first met. It was in the fourth gym, and she scared the crap out of me. Once we got passed the fact that she wasn't a ghost, we played basketball for a little while. It was honestly the first time I've seen so much determination in someone, a girl no less. We later became really good friends, and when she was moved to the first sting, I was ecstatic. We soon became partners.

Then was the downfall.

We played, and played, and played. Yet no one surpassed us. It became useless, you know? Practicing. There was no point in trying. Why try when you can annihilate the whole team by yourself?

I had no problem with not coming to practice, but apparently, Testu did. I listened to her at first. Because she was my friend, my partner, the only one who understood me. Even Satsu couldn't get me to go. Only Tetsu.

But even that started fading. I became annoyed with her. She didn't understand me. How could she? She was a background player. She couldn't do shit by herself. How would she know what it felt like to have others quit because of you? She didn't. She had no right. No one did.

That is, until the others became on par with me. But, even that's a lie. The only one who could go against me one on one and win would be Akashi, and maybe Midorima. Murasakibara and Kise still lagged behind.

Slowly, I pushed her away too. I remember not wanting to snap at her. Not wanting to hurt her. Not wanting to push her away. Why would I? She understood my love for basketball, because she loved it just as much. Why would I want to push away the one girl who didn't fangirl around me? Why would I want to push away my friend? But, I couldn't control it. The words flowed out mouth like a river, and there was no dam to stop it.

It wasn't much at first. Just a simple 'Go away, Tetsu.' But it ended horribly. I told her I didn't need her. That she was useless. I told her I couldn't catch her passes anymore. I told her that I didn't see her as an equal anymore. All that was convaid in a few words. The only one who can beat me is me. Those 9 words, along with 'I don't know how to catch your passes anymore' were the words that ended our partnership. Our friendship.

I won't lie, when I saw her at Seirin, with a new light, I was jealous. He wasn't good enough for her. The only one who could use her full potential, is me. The only one who should have the privilege of even touching her passes would be me.

I threw that privilege away.

I shouldn't complain. After all, I was the one who did it. I was the one who turned around and basically said 'fuck you' to her. I don't deserve her, but that doesn't mean I don't want her.

After the Winter Cup, after I was defeated, I was more open. I took this as a chance to repair my relationship with her. Then he ruined it. Apparently, Akashi didn't take light to losing. He wanted revenge. He now despised Tetsu. He made me apart of it. He threatened us. Threatened our families. I didn't want to, I swear I didn't. I was forced, it wasn't my fault. Was it?

Looking back, I realised I could've said no. No matter what connections he had, he wasn't invincible. My family did nothing wrong, he couldn't pull shit out of thin air and use it again us. I should've realised I had a voice. A voice which was given to speak up. A perfect example of what I should've done that minute.

But I didn't, so I'm guilty.

He told me to talk to Kagami. The first way of destroying her was to take away her everything, which at the moment, no matter how much I hate to say it, was Kagami. So, I talked to him. I told him that he could be apart of our group. Be one of us. But, he had to be independent, meaning he had to ditch Testu.

In a sick, selfish moment, I was happy. He would do the dirty work, and I could swoop in and take back what's mine. He would break her, and I would put her back together. She would love me. It was perfect.

I left.


I was surprised. Out of all of us, Kise seemed to have liked Tetsu the most, right behind me, of course. I didn't contribute much to the 'Tetsu bashing' conversation. I still planned on making up with her. I also didn't see a certain blue haired beauty standing by the courts.

It was only a few days later when I found out she had left.

I wasn't as surprised as I should've been. I guess a part of me kind of expected it. She's been through alot, she'd break at some point. That still didn't help the feeling of sadness I felt. I didn't even get to apologize.

It was at this moment I realized how truly selfish I am.

Even at a time like this, I'm thinking about myself. How I didn't get to apologize. Even in the end, it was about me.

She was hurt in the beginning, because I felt as if no one could beat me. She was crushed the first time Seirin went against Touou, because I was jealous of her and Kagami. She was betrayed a second time because I didn't speak up. I was truly selfish. The most selfish person in the world. It wasn't fair.

Anyway, after Kagami told us at Maji, I blew a fuse. I got angry. I don't remember why I was angry though. Was I angry at myself? At Kagami? At Akashi? I don't remember anymore. All I remember was that anger clouded vision. Everything turned red. I yelled, then sat. Why? Oh, I remember. Akashi.

Kagami insulted Akashi. It was entertaining, till he left, leaving us to deal with him. Kise, surprisingly, was the first to leave. He was crying, I remember. He even glared at one of his fans. I've never seen him do that before.

I couldn't stand it anymore. Why? Why did I do that? I stood up. I needed to release some anger. I kicked the chair and left.

Why would she leave like that?

Oh I don't know Daiki, maybe because she was betrayed two times over. Both times by the people she was closest with.

I sighed. I just want my partner, my friend, my love back.


Word count -1139

Updated - 8.25.17

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