The meet up

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                                                               Tetsuna's P.O.V

We had all ended up making the team, and making it on the first string. I was glad we did. All the training and tears weren't for nothing, and I can finally enjoy basketball once more. The only downside to this whole ordeal was the fact that while Sebastion and I made the team, so did the others, Kagami and the trio included. It was nice to see some new freshman faces though. 

  It wasn't until Sebastion showed me a group text saying that everyone else made it that I remembered about the rest of our little group. I wasn't surprised when I also heard information about the GoM making it as well, I was prepared for this however, and kept the same natural expression on, no matter how much I wished for them to just disappear from my life. But no matter, even if you wish for something to dissapear, if you don't have the power to make it happen, you are in no place to talk in the first place. So until you gain the power to do what you want, you shall not complain and bear the discomfort. That's always what my parents told me.

  "Kuroko...come with me." 

I was once again snapped out of my thoughts by Kagami's gruff voice. He had definitely grown over the months. I hadn't really paid attention to this before, but now that he was right in front me, I couldn't ignore it. He had definitely grown a few inches taller, and he gained more muscles. His eyes looked more fierce and still had that passion in them, but looking into them further, I realized there was something else hidden within them. A look of guilt; remorse. 

"Why should I? Why should I be wasting my time to entertain you. Look, I get that we're on the same team, and that we have to resolve this issue somehow, but I'd like to postpone that time as much as possible."

He looked disheartened at my statement, and I felt a twing of guilt. I know I shouldn't have, not after everything he put me through, but I realized I was being childish. Like I had stated earlier, we were now teammates, and we needed to at least tolerate eachother.

I sighed, "Fine. But let me get ready before I leave." I gave him my address and  told him to pick me up at around 3.

His faced brightened and he bowed, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I WILL NOT DISSAPOINT!"

And with that he ran off, I suppose to get ready. 

"What was that about?" I turned twords Sebastion and grabbed his arm before heading to the house, "Nothing you need to worry about."


Once I had taken a shower and had put on a white off the shoulder onepeice, and a light blue skirt with some white converse, I sat in the living room and watched T.V while I waited. I was at the part where Do Bong-Soon and Ahn Min Hyuk were about to kiss on the beach when the bell rang. 

I sighed in frustration before pausing the episode and walking out to the front door. There stood Bakagami in a black (tightly fitted) button up and jeans. I bid the boys goodbye and walked out the door twords the place Kagami and I first got to really know eachother. Maji Burger.

While he went to go order for us, I sat in our usual seat, when I saw something that made me second guess ever agreeing to this. 

That something was actually someone.

And that someone was actually someoneS.

those someone's were the GoM.

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