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It's been a week since Ethan met Grayson. He knew it was crazy, but he hasn't been able to get the kid off of his flooded mind.

The way his big and bright hazel eyes glistened in the sunlight. The way his hair fell upon his face in a tangled fashion. The unbearable kindness in his voice. The bubbliness in his movements. Everything about the boy either made Ethan want to regurgitate or made him want to explore the boy further.

That same day, his mom went over to Grayson's house to give him and his family a housewarming gift, but when she returned, she didn't say much. And she acted as if she'd experienced a traumatizing  event. Seeing her act that way made it certain that she had crossed paths with Grayson.

Ethan was downstairs, busy drinking a smoothie when a ring at the doorbell echoed through the house. He sulked over to the door, half dreading it being the identical acquaintance, half hoping it to be him. When he opened the door, he was pleased to see his slightly altered mirror image standing directly in front of him.

"Hey, E!" Grayson exclaimed. His eyes sparkled as soon as Ethan looked at him.

"Don't call me that", Ethan growled, "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out today? Our house is more or less completely unpacked, so I thought maybe you'd wanna come over. We have a pool." He spoke in a tone as sweet as molasses.

It's as if Grayson payed no attention to Ethan's angry nature. And that confused Ethan.

"I think I'll be fine." Said Ethan. He shuddered at the idea.

Not because he didn't want to, but because he hasn't hung out with anyone properly since he was very young.

It got really lonely for poor Ethan, and he became a shut in, developing his negative outlook towards life.

"Aw, come on. I haven't seen you since the day we met. It'll be fun, trust me! Please?" Grayson begged his counterpart. The excitement in Grayson's every step made Ethan sick.

But he figured that this was one of his last summer's to be a teenager, and seeing as he's never really interacted with anyone socially, it might be good for him. Like his mom said, it'll keep him occupied all summer instead of being crammed up inside all day.

"You know what? Fine. If it'll get you to stop whining." Ethan said in a sarcastic tone. A smile slapped itself on Grayson's warm face.

"Thank you!" He smiled over-dramatically.

"I'll go throw on my trunks really fast." Ethan said and ran straight up to his room. He was wearing a black tank top, and he decided to wear his lavender swimming trunks. He took off his pants and boxers and then slid his swimming trunks on. He slipped on his black flip flops and ran back down to be greeted again by his new friend.

They both walked together in silence to Grayson's home across the way, and when Grayson opened the door, Ethan took in the scent of mint tea being brewed.

"Mom!" Grayson called out. A woman trotted down the stairs, slowing her pace as she took a glimpse of the two identical boys greeting her at the end of the staircase.

"You weren't kidding, huh?" She laughed in slight dismay as she approached us. "Lisa was right, it's phenomenal."

The short woman had long dark blonde hair tied up in a messy ponytail with dark green eyes and freckles sprinkled across her small and upturned nose, very similar to Grayson's. She was skinny and petite, almost the size of a young girl.

"It's gonna be weird trying to get used to having two of you around." She laughed. Ethan could clearly see where Grayson got his positivity from. "I'm making some mint tea if you'd like any, my name's Dawn by the way." Her small hand reached out for Ethan's to shake. Instead of turning her hand away like he did to Grayson, he slowly snaked his arm out to engulf her hand with his in a soft handshake.

"Ethan." Ethan said, and for once, cracked a small smile.

Their home gave off a very positive vibe, just as they did. Everything was lightly colored, with a little splash of color here and there.

The kitchen was on the left once you entered the front door, and the staircase to the right. The living room was straight on after walking through the small corridor where the wall separated the kitchen from the stairs resided. Light marble countertops and dark wooded cabinets were the kitchen's theme. The walls were an off white, more of an ivory. All of the appliances in the kitchen were stainless steel, and an island was in the middle.

In the living room, a large cream colored couch sat across from a large fireplace, and above the fireplace was a large flatscreen television. A glass coffee table stood in front of the couch, a shaggy white area rug underneath, and a love seat that matched the couch was to the side, as well as a wicker chair with green cushions.

The color scheme of their home seemed to be white, black, cream, and a light olive shade. Pictures and crosses were hung all across the walls, and the floors were a light hardwood.

It was very aesthetically pleasing for Ethan, to say the least. The positive aura of it all made him feel calm and relaxed. He actually enjoyed the warm feeling it gave him.

"What do you want to do, Ethan?" Grayson asked Ethan curiously.

"I don't know, it's whatever." Ethan shrugged. Socializing was a new thing for him. It will obviously take some time for him to learn all the basics.

For the rest of that day, Ethan and Grayson hung out. Messing around in the pool, playing video games, all normal things two teenage boys would do on a normal summer's day.

Ethan got his first real taste of friendship, and the only thing that can be said about it is that Ethan had fun. He wanted to spend more time with Grayson and get to know him better.

Ethan hoped that this friendship could blossom even further.

"A friend. I have a friend." Ethan said to himself quietly as he lay on his bed late that evening.

For the first time in what seemed like a decade, Ethan had made a friend.

The thought of a friend exhilarated him, but it also shook his bones with pure fear.

He was afraid of screwing things up.

He was afraid of losing the one friend he had just gained.

All normal things that any normal teenager would think about someone they truly enjoyed the company of.

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