Chapter 6: Crush and type

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The whole Student Council Office was abuzz with excitement.

"Okay, everyone! Settle down. Any moment from now, our only hope in winning the Inter-school Socialization Pageant, Edward John as Enrique, will be here for our first meeting." Maymay happily announced.

Another set of applause broke the room.

A knock interrupted and in came Edward.

After greeting everyone, Edward came to stand beside Maymay.

"Maymay." He nodded in greeting.

There goes that 'My May' again, Maymay thought as she greeted him back with a smile. "Hi Edward. Please take a seat. I'll just say a few words."

Once everyone settled back down, Maymay went on. "Again, let us thank Edward for agreeing to be our 'Enrique'. Now onto the preparations — we have assigned committees to help him with the talent portion, outfit, et cetera. Our aim for this afternoon is to finalize each plan within each group so as we can present those by tomorrow."

At the mention of talent, Edward stiffened in his seat. Maymay noticed that. "Everyone, go to your assigned groups now. Edward and I will go around and check with you."

And everyone followed suit.

"Something bothering you?" She asked Edward quietly once others were out with their groups.

"Yeah. Something about the talent portion. I thought it was just going to be a parade and stuff. Never thought there's that." He explained.

"Please don't say you're backing out." She pleaded.

Edward saw worry cross Maymay's features. He hurriedly reassured her. "Oh no-no. I was just thinking of a talent to show. Playing the piano is all I know."

Maymay clapped her hands in excitement. "Perfect! We'll have that then! You'll play the piano while your partner will dance to it."

"Right, about the partner. Have you found anyone yet?" He asked.

"Not yet. No one was willing before. Most girls I recruited think the event is for losers — no offense. But now that they'll get to see who will be Enrique, I bet you they would all line up. We're actually preparing for an audition."

"Audition? How come you didn't have that for 'Enrique' look-alike?" Edward muttered.

"Why? Would you have auditioned?" Maymay laughingly said. "Besides, I wouldn't have slaved chasing after you for three days if I didn't see how much resemblance you have with Enrique. I actually knew, right when I saw you that day, that we will win. It felt like I was looking at the real Enrique — even though I haven't met him yet." She sighed.

She looked straight into Edward's face and continued. "You know, you could pass off as his twin brother. I should know, he is my greatest celebrity crush after all." She finished proudly.

"Wait. I'm your type then. Does that mean I qualify as your crush?" Edward teasingly asked.

Realization dawned on Maymay as to what she just said. She just indirectly confessed that Edward could be her type — even if she didn't mean it that way.

"Ha-ha-ha!" That's Maymay and her awkward laugh. Great! Her eyes were still wide after Edward's question. She stammered. "No-no. I didn't mean it that way. Ha-ha-ha." There's her awkward laugh again.

She was blushing and was thinking hard of a way to change the topic. But her brain, her ever reliable traitor brain, just went blank.

Edward, on the other hand, was enjoying Maymay's predicament. Her facial expressions were so transparent and genuine that he couldn't help but laugh.

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