Chapter 2: Missed disasters or chance encounters

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'Here comes this loud girl again.' Edward thought to himself as he closed the book he is reading.

Edward John, a transfer student from Germany, is quite content to be by himself sitting under the shade of an old tree.

Being a new student has its perks to a person like Edward who breathes peace and quiet. Others don't know him and he doesn't know them so no obligation to greet or mingle with anyone. A perfect setup for someone who wants to be alone.

Before getting the wrong idea about him, he is not an introvert. He is actually a charmer, his friends back in Germany would say.

It is just that bad things happened since he decided to study here in the Philippines and made him regret his decision. But, having enrolled already, he wouldn't want to waste his parents' money. He resolved to finish one semester here then he'll rush back to Germany. In short, he doesn't want to build any bridges or relationships with anyone.

He plans on forgetting ever getting here.

However, being a new 'foreign' student (although he is half-Filipino, half-British) is a whole new different story altogether. People will openly gawk at him or avoid him, stare at him, flirt with him and some would even 'stalk' him.

Same as the case of this loud girl. She is a stalker, he's sure. For three days now, she barges in this place (a sanctuary under the old tree he found at the back of the school gym where no other students usually wade through) in her usual loud voice and even louder laugh.

The first time she disturbed his peace, she was laughing loudly into her phone, bragging about something to someone. At that time, uncomfortable with the thought of eavesdropping, Edward stood up and made his presence known by giving out his usual sarcastic comment.

Things got out of hand after that. He and that loud girl bumped into each other and were both thrown to the ground. He remembered how he got a large lump on his forehead (as if his forehead could get any bigger), got his glasses broken and he even got his pants ripped (ugh! the embarrassment).

[Flashback to the time of the first meeting three days ago]

The girl apologized and handed him his glasses. Edward reached for it when—


"Oh snap" Edward muttered, that was unmistakably the sound of his pants ripping — worst, it's in the butt area. His eyes widened as he put on his broken glasses.

Good thing that silly girl did not notice the pants, or did she? She was busy looking at his face and shouting "Enrique! Enrique!" like some madwoman.

"I'm not Enrique." Edward said irritably.

The loud girl continued to jump excitedly and seemed to never want to let his hand go.

Edward on the other hand couldn't look straight at the crazy girl. He can feel a swelling forming in his forehead, he can't see with the broken lenses of his glasses and his pants are ripped. Plus, this girl won't shut up about "Enrique!"

"I know. I know you're not Enrique. You look like Enri—" Edward heard the girl explain but was cut off when her phone started ringing.

Fortunately, that girl got an important phone call, and when she turned away to answer it, Edward grabbed that chance and dashed off.

Good thing he has a jacket in his locker which he then tied around his waist. He also had contact lenses stored there for emergency instances. He never thought he'd really needed it, not until now. That girl made him a walking disaster.

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