The night

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It's been two days since Alucard left, but Alucard soon feels his master in trouble.

Alucard: who has the balls.

Kokabiel: it can't be you.

Alucard: oh so you know me.

Kokabiel:the night walker that flies through oceans of blood, beyond human, a shadow that radiates through darkness it self.

Alucard: oh you dirt bitch work the shaft.

Kokabiel: what now.

Alucard: I like to dirt talk when Someone's sucking my dick.

Kokabiel: why are here anyway?

Alucard: for my master.

Kokabiel: who is she anyway.

Alucard: she use to be the holy maiden.

Alucard gets ready for Kokabiel to attack.

Kokabiel: you can have her, master.


Kokabiel: I live to serve you count.

Asia:you came.

Alucard: of course I would master.

Kokabiel:master we must kill these devil.

Alucard: sounds like funny hhhaahahh.

Alucard walk over to devils and Catholic with a sadistic smile.

Alexander: you won't harm my children.

Alucard: oh but I will.

Alucard shoots a full mag in face.

Alucard: say it.

Xenovia:ok I'm sorry.

Alucard: good.

Kokabiel: what are you doing kill them.

Alucard: let me think about it, no I'll just kill you.

Kokabiel: you bastard take this.

Kokabiel charges his great spear of light and throws it at Alucard, while dust settles they see Alucard is nothing but a head.

Kokabiel: I guess I win hhahhahah.

All the blood on ground starts going to  the head of Alucard, then his body is back.

Alucard: not bad crow, show me more.

Kokabiel: that's impossible I through everything at him.

Alucard: I guess this is end.

Kokabiel: please master spare me.

Alucard: you know I'm dying for something to drink.

Alucard takes a huge bite of Kokabiel neck.

Alucard: master let's go home.

Asia:what about the others.

Alucard: they can wait.

the night walkerWhere stories live. Discover now