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After Alucard's proposal, he inform his master and Rias peerage.

Issei:so who's going to be the best man.

Alucard:I don't know.

Gasper:I'm glad fathers getting married.

Alucard:let's get going.

Issei:are sure it's a good idea.

                 (At the peace treaty)

Michael:Azazel you need to keep your soldiers in line.

Azazel:yeah and sorry about.

Alucard fazes through the walls.

Alucard:sup bitches.

Issei:I tried to stop him President but he said"fuck the police".


Sirzech:hey best buddy.


Rias:why are you here.

Alucard:the usual, anyway you guys done having dick fighting contest.

Michael:that reminds me Asia the pope been getting letters by the one called Alucard.

Alucard:that wasn't me.

Alexander:yes it was you heretic  bastard.

Alucard:master tell me he was here.

Alucard pull out his jackals while Alexander pulls out his bayonets and they rush each of others.


Alucard smells the air.

Alucard:something burning

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