The beach

823 21 21

On the island of Crete, the market was bursting with alluring scents of food, spices, fruits, meats, and fish.
The glistening, golden, and gemstone embroidered jewelry shine in the sun.
The colorful dyes and powders sit in bowls on a cotton sheet, on the stands.
The fine cotton and smooth silk fabrics draped on the poles supported the booth.
The merchants yelled their goods and prices, the preachers preached the heavenly gospels, and the beggars begged for food and money. The streets bustling with sailors, travelers, soldiers, and nobles.

Over at the dock ships, from big to small, sailed in and out, transporting goods, slaves, and stories of epic adventures.

A ship came into the humble port. The ship was strong, sturdy, and humble, big enough for a crew of 12, the ship docked and started to unload. The wooden ramp lowered and the crew of 7 came down from the ship and brought down goods and treasures from their voyage. They went to the market and sold most of the items that they recently got on their grand voyage and decided to go to the pub that afternoon.

"Phew, that was the biggest wave of customers we had in months!", exclaimed Sadiq, and he was right they didn't get that many customers at all.
"Maybe we should celebrate, da?", Ivan asked excitedly.
"Sure! Why not," Sadiq said," besides, we need it, also tells the rest of the crew that we'll be at the pub, Arthur!"

Arthur walked into the crowd towards the ship to tell the others, the streets were crowded and good thing it was because he and the rest of the crew were pirates. Also, they didn't want to get caught by passing soldiers that might recognize them. Being spotted by one is certain death at the Gallows. When Arthur turned a corner, he bumped into someone, and to his dismay, he bumped into one of the king's soldiers.

"Woah! Hey there, slow down," the soldier exclaimed," or you'll bump into someone that isn't that nice."

"U-um, well, I was just going to my ship," Arthur stuttered.

"Well, then you should be on your way that."

"Y-yes I should, and have a good day sir."

"You too, man!"

Arthur was relieved that the soldier didn't recognize him, he went on his way to the calm port. As he walked, he finally reached the ship and climbed on board.

"Hey! Guys, Sadik wants you all to meet at the pub!" Arthur yelled. This caused the crew to turn their heads.

"R'ght n'w?" Berwald asked.

"Yes, and it's too celebrate the big wave of customers we got today."

"How many?" Leon asked.

"A whole crowd miraculously."

The reactions of the crew were priceless. Just imagine this, their eyes roll out, and get bigger and bigger than exploded. It was hilarious.

"Woah, that many?!" Mathias gawked.

"Yes, that many, and hurry your arses up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The crew hurried with their work and get to the pub.

After their work was done, they followed Arthur to the pub. They twist and turn along the way just to avoid the soldiers passing by. They finally reached the pub where Sadik and Ivan waited, and entered the pub.

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