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Heracles' POV

The merman finally settled down and seemed to notice me staring at him. His chocolate colored eyes were so enchanting I couldn't stop looking into those eyes. Then the merman spoke, snapping me out of the trance.

"あなたは誰ですか。ここはどこですか", the merman said. I didn't recognize the language. So I was naturally confused. The merman spoke again," あなたは誰ですか。ここはどこですか". I was still confused, but I replied.

"I don't understand". The merman gave a satisfied expression.

The merman was motioned me to come forward. I hesitated a bit, and as I got closer the same feeling in my chest again when I was at the beach. When I was near the tub the merman grabbed my shirt and I yelped in surprise.

Then all of a sudden I felt his lips on mine. The sweet sensation was overwhelming, and a spark was somewhat ignited. Then he bit my lip, I gasped at the pain, but I felt something wet that swirled around my tongue in my mouth. I moaned in pleasure and in embarrassment (A/n: Ya know why 😼). I felt his sharp teeth on my abused flesh, teething on my tongue.

The merman and I broke the kiss for air( Even though the merman had gills), a string of saliva still connected our lips. His grip on my shirt released, but then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the tub with a big splash. Then he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them to one of the edges of the tub. I looked at him with fear and again kissed me, but roughly unlike before. I tried to get up, suddenly I felt his tail wrap around my legs, making me immobile. I squirmed under him, trying to get free.

Then the merman was yanked off me by no other than Sadik and Gupta hauled me up to my feet, and bombarded me with questions. I was very glad they came at the right time. I was afraid, shocked to speak while thoughts ran through my head.' Why did this merman kiss me ― What was the purpose ― Was there a purpose ― And why did it feel so good'.

"Herc, Herc, HERC!", I snapped out of my shock when I heard Gupta's voice call me. I looked up and saw the concern look on his face. I felt a twinge of guilt and looked over to the struggling merman in Sadik's arms, but looked away.

"Herc what happened? You were supposed to be watching the merman, not have a make-out session and WHY were you having a make-out session", Gupta asked.

"I-I don't know it just happened."

"Werr it didn't just happen you know."

I was startled by the different voice in the room. I looked frantically 'round the room and spotted only the merman, Sadik, and Gupta. I try to find the source of the new voice that just appeared.

"Herc, are you okay?"

"Strange? I swear I heard another voice in the room."

Sadik and Gupta looked at each other, thinking that I was crazy. I was thinking the same thing. That I may be going nuts after that pleasure. Stop it Herc don't think like that as I mentally scolded myself. As I was getting up off the damp floor, I heard the voice again.

"So, can you terr this man restraining me, to put me back the water."

I whipped around to find no one else again, till my eyes landed on the merman. I had a suspicion that the merman was the one talking. So I tried it.

"Is it you who is talking?"

"Hai, it's I who's tarking to you ".

Gupta, Sadik, and I looked in shock, well mostly Gupta, and the masked pervert. That I communicated with the merman. I wondered how can I communicate with him now; was it the kiss, and I asked him.

"H-how can I understand you now? Just a minute ago I didn't understand you, now I can. What did you do?!"

" Werr, you know that 'Make out session' we had, it was for us to communicate to each other. So now we understand each other, and other ranguagrs we know".

I was shocked that 'kiss' was a way to understand him and for him to understand me, let's just say I was baffled. I was curious what languages he knew, but I was too distorted, that I couldn't think.

"I think you broke him, you deserve a medal", Sadik said with an amused smirk.

I snap my head towards his direction and shot him a warning glare, he merely chuckled which earned him a swift, strong punch right in his jaw with a good "OUCH" on the side. Also, dropping the merman with a thud on the floor.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Oof! Why did you punch him? Did he deserve it?"

"Yes, he deserved it", I said feeling satisfied. The merman still seemed confused but brushed it off. I picked him up, but the same fluttering feeling came back into my chest. Then I put him in the tub. His scales felt smooth, but it was still a little wet.

"How about introductions", I asked. I was wondering what his name is since I first saw him on the beach.

"Oh! Ok, I guess."

"My name is Heracles. What's your's?"

"My name is Kiku. Preasure to me you, also what are your names?" Kiku said looking towards Sadik and Gupta. The Turk and the Egyptian looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sure! Why-a not? The name is ― "

"Cough* Bearded pervert* Cough"

"― Bearded pervert... DAMN IT HERACLES! And it's Sadik, not that ok. Also, Heracles, you earn cleaning duty, prying off barnacles, and I'll add more if you don't stop chuckling this instance."

I stopped chuckling at that point because it's hard prying off those barnacles. It's like they have a mind of their own.

"Now everyone is settled down, my name is Gupta. I'm the owner of this shop that you're in."

Kiku's POV

I was relieved that these men were nice and helped me, but I also couldn't stop thinking about that 'Kiss' they called it. The sensation was extravagant, my body tingled all over. But also I wanted to know how I got here first.

"Can you tell me how I got here in the first place though. All I could remember were men screaming, a boat, and a black net."

"Oh, you mean this net", Gupta said while reaching for something on the table next to him. He revealed what it was. My eyes widened with shock, I was beginning to panic, till Sadik spoke.

"We're not the ones who wanted to capture you for whatever reason, but we're the ones who rescued you on the beach. Well, mostly Heracles."

I relaxed at the statement, but I was still a little on edge wondering what happened though.

"How about you tell us what happened before you fell unconscious, and we'll tell you how I found you on the beach", Hercules said. The sound of his voice was heavenly, I wanted to hear his voice even more.

"Ok, i'rr terr you".

HI everyone! It's Usasgi and I'm sorry that I was Dead to ya. OK! and Plz Vote, comment, and Share and see y'all next time. BYE!

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