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"WHEN I SAID I wanted to come to a ball this is not what I meant." Celeste mumbled to herself as shifted the food tray from one hand to the other, finally letting it rest by her side as she watched the debutantes dance around in the fluffy white dresses. The only person that stuck out in the crowd was Prince Adam, and that was because of his navy blue suit and large wig.

"I don't believe this is ideal for any of us, darling." Mrs. Potts said, standing next to the brunette as they watched all the guests dance. She turned her attention to Celeste and gave her a sweet smile as she looked at the white dress she was wearing. "You look like royalty, my dear."

"I am far from royalty, Mrs. Potts." Celeste smiled in response and ran her free hand down the skirt of her dress, her fingers pulling on the delicate fabric to give the older woman a better look.

"The Prince doesn't seem to believe so." Mrs. Potts replied, a smug smile on her face when she gestured to Prince Adam.

He was dancing with another girl who was far more interested in him than he was her. While the girls complete attention was focused on his blue and white makeup covered face, his attention was on Celeste. Despite the fact that Madame de Garderobe's opera singing and Maestro Cadenza's music both picked up speed rather quickly, Prince Adam managed to only take his eyes off the brunette beauty for a second at a time, whenever he was switching partners and she was positive he was coming toward her on purpose.

"Oh, young love." Mrs. Potts sighed dreamily as she watched the two stare at each other. "There's nothing quite like it."

"I will be the first to admit he is nice to look at." Celeste told Mrs. Potts as she continued to keep eye contact with Prince Adam, refusing to back down. "But more importantly, he is an arrogant Prince who does not have any regard for others."

"I wouldn't let him hear that." Mrs. Potts said before quickly finding something else to do as the Prince now stood in front of the servant.

"I don't believe we've met before. I am—"

"I know who you are." Celeste cut the Prince off, a sweet smile on her face despite the fact that she was seconds away from being fired for cutting him off. "I've only worked here the last three years."

"Are you sure?" The Prince almost mocked. "I'm certain I would remember such a beautiful face." His tight-lipped smile almost became a smirk. "And if you really did work for me as long as you say, I would imagine you would know better than to interrupt me."

Celeste almost rolled her eyes. "Your Highness, I would not be holding this tray of food for fun." She retorted, holding whatever fancy food it was in front of her. "I've heard the gray stuff is delicious."

The wind began to pick up outside, almost making it louder than the music. Before Prince Adam could respond to Celeste's remark, there was a knock on the castle door. The Prince held up a hand and the music came to an abrupt stop. When another knock came and no one moved, the windows blew open just before the door did. While Celeste only jumped, everyone on the dance floor backed away from the door. The wind was so strong it almost knocked Celeste off her feet as it blew out the candles and the rain poured in. The ballroom was in complete darkness.

"Oh no." Celeste muttered to herself when the Prince angrily stomped to the door. She knew what was about to happen when she saw the old beggar woman hunched over. Even though her hood covered the majority of her face, Celeste immediately knew it was her mother.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Prince Adam shouted at the woman.

"I'm seeking shelter from the bitter storm outside." She replied weakly, Celeste was surprised she could hear her from across the ballroom.

The brunette began moving through the crowd, eventually pushing everyone when they wouldn't move. She ignored the sounds of distaste, even though she wanted to stomp on some of their toes. "Come on, Mama." She said, taking the woman's hand and pulling her along. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"This is your mother?" Prince Adam was shocked at the new information.

"Yes." Celeste replied, almost glaring at the Prince. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes!" The Prince responded immediately. "This is a place of beauty, this hag is too ugly for my castle. Now go!" He said, waving his hand at them as if that would make them leave.

Celeste was about to respond, but her mother beat her to it. "You should not be deceived by appearances; beauty is found within."

Celeste was almost taken aback by her mother's calm tone. "Not exactly what I was going to say, nor in that way but I guess it'll do."

"Get out." The Prince spat, only glancing at Celeste. "Both of you. You make me sick." He turned to walk away as Agathe's cape and hood engulfed her entirely until she disappeared.

"Mama?" Celeste almost panicked, looking around to find Agathe anywhere in the room.

Agathe reappeared, but this time as an extraordinarily beautiful woman who floated above everyone and emitted a gold light from around her. When the Prince fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness, she only shook her head before glancing at her daughter. "Go home, darling. I'll be back shortly."

Celeste didn't want to leave, but she did at the same time. She didn't want to face any kind of punishment that may come for not listening. "Please don't hurt the staff, Mama." She begged. "They didn't do anything."

"No one will be hurt, Celeste. Just... changed."

Caitlin Stasey as Celeste


Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beast, all rights go to Disney. I only own Celeste, her plot, and any other original characters that may show up.

y'all don't understand how obsessed i am with the live action batb ok

also y'all can blame hannah for this

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