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"LEFOU, HAVE YOU seen Belle?" Gaston asked his friend, scanning the tavern for the brown haired beauty.

LeFou shook his head. "I haven't seen her since she turned you down the other day." He cringed at is statement, almost cowering away from the death glare Gaston gave him. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Celeste either."

"No wonder it has been strangely peaceful around here."

Just then, the tavern door flew open, revealing Maurice in torn clothing. His hair was going in every direction and his eyes were wide with fear. "Help!" He went into a coughing fit before continuing. "You must help. There is not a moment to waste." He muttered.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," the tavern keeper said, attempting to calm him down. "Slow down, Maurice."

Maurice shook his head. "He's got Belle... locked in a dungeon!"

Gaston sat up straight after hearing that, his interest piqued.

"Who's got her?" The tavern keeper questioned.

"A beast! A horrible, monstrous beast!" Maurice shouted. The villagers laughed at that statement. "My daughter's life is in danger, why do you laugh? This isn't a joke! His castle is hidden in the woods. It's already winter there!"

"Winter in June?" The tavern was shocked into silence for a moment before a villager began laughing. "Crazy old Maurice!"

"You didn't happen to see Celeste, did you, Maurice?" LeFou asked he man.

"Celeste?" Maurice asked in confused. "Why would I see—?" He cut himself off when the realization hit him. "He must have her, too!"

"How much have you had to drink, Maurice?"

"I have never been more sober in my life!" Maurice was almost offended by the question, and if this wasn't a life or death situation, he would have been. However, at this moment he was only focused on saving his daughter and Celeste. "Please listen!" He begged, looking around at everyone. "The Beast is real. Will no one help me?"

Everyone only seemed the laugh even more as Gaston stood up. "I'll help you, Maurice."

"You will?" LeFou asked, his brows raised in confusion.

"Everyone, stop making fun of this man at once!" The laughter instantly died, which made Gaston quite proud.

"Thank you, Captain." Maurice almost cried with joy as he grabbed Gaston's hand. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Maurice," the war hero said. "Lead us to the Beast."

Maurice began to leave the tavern when LeFou and Gaston looked at each other. "I see what you're doing." LeFou whispered as they followed Maurice.

Gaston only nodded at his sidekick. He knew LeFou would figure it out, he always knew the plan. Now he just had to make sure that Maurice didn't figure it out before it could unfold. If all went as planned, Belle would be his wife after all.

PART OF CELESTE was beginning to regret making a promise to break the curse. Not that she didn't want to, that was never an option for her. She just had no idea where to start to even learn what caused the curse. None of the staff would tell her, not even Chip. But until she figured it out, she would help the Beast recover.

When she entered his room, the Beast was asleep, which gave her the chance to assess his wounds. Since it had been a few days since the incident, most of the cuts were healing and no longer required bandages. However, she still had to change the bigger wounds, and that was something she had to do while the Beast was asleep or they would have five more arguments.

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