April 13th, 2032

7 1 0

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts when I heard something behind me, I immediately pull out both of my pistols and spin around. I saw a man, about 5 ft 10, standing about six yards in front of me, an automatic machine gun in his hands

"Are you one of them" he demanded, it was more of a command than a question.

"You mean the Sentients hunting us all, no, I'm from the lab that they were spawned from Hell in." He relaxed a little bit, lowering the gun's barrel so that it was pointed at my knees, not my chest.

"Well then, explain to me why you aren't infected if you were there" he told me.

"Well, I was just the overseer, those stupid scientists used an unstable chemical that reversed what this virus was supposed to do, when I saw them do it, I got out of there fast." I told the man

"well, I know you're not one of them." He said, coming to that conclusion after a small pause.

"Why's that?" I asked him, kind of amused at his slow conclusion.

"Because, if you were one of them, you would've shot me already."  The man laughed, holding out his hand "my name is Sergeant Matthews, I was a part of 476th Engineering battalion."

I shook his hand "my name is Jack" I told him, the guy was ripped, he looked like he'd been doing some working out since the spawn of the Sentients. "So where did you serve?" I asked him

"I spent 4 years in Iraq on 2 deployments" he replied. "Then I came home, and joined the Idaho National guard for another 3 years, then the Sentients popped up and half my platoon got infected, so I left and got to Kansas."

He had slung the gun over his shoulder at this point, so the barrel pointed upwards. I put my two pistols, Desert Eagle .45 magnums, back in their holsters behind my back in my trenchcoat.

I started walking away and he caught up with me, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking.

"I say we stick together, that's the only way we'll stay sane out here for much longer, what do you say?" He held out his hand, I gladly shook it, eager to get somebody else to be with.

We walked around the woods for a few hours, talking and looking for a major highway so we can start the journey back to one of my safehouses. I decided to pull out the three parts of my Barrett .50 caliber rifle I'd broken up and put them back together. I started looking through the scope, eager to have some target practice, it has been a long time since the Sentients pushed everybody that survived to the center of the country.

I thought I saw something so I snapped back to what I saw. People, 50 yards away, there were six, one is in a headlock, the other two are kneeling on the ground, two guys stand above them, axes in their hands. Headlock guy says something and the two ax guys slaughtered the two people on the ground. They were either Sentients or Marauders, as both were common.

I made a split decision and put a bullet through the knee of Headlock guy, he immediately fell to the ground, screaming, his leg below the knee torn off. The other two men panicked, easy pickings, one dropped to the ground, a chunk torn out of his head, the other one started to run, Sergeant Matthews takes off in a sprint after the guy. I didn't see what happened, but the report of gunfire told me what happened.

I slung my rifle over my shoulder and ran over to the person, who I saw was a girl at that point, and found her slumped against a tree, crying. I pulled out my pistol and shot headlock guy without looking, who had dragged himself 10 feet away. She jumped at the sound of the shot, she looked up at me, her eyes red and swollen, "if you're going to kill me, please make it fast." she said and sobbed out loud.

I sat down next to her and pulled her into an embrace, she sobbed even louder. Mathews ran up next to me, out of breath, he stood there in silence for about five minutes until the girl stopped crying, she looked at Matthews and I. "You're not going to infect me, are you," she asked, her voice quivering.

"no," I said calmly, "we're trying to survive, just like you are." "Now, are you willing to stick with us and survive?" She nodded her head, I got up and Matthews helped the girl up. They talked quietly behind me while I walked, I was too deep in thought to talk, hell they could've been yelling for all I knew. I was just too caught up in trying to figure out a plan to survive the night, there was nothing around there. Except a random convenience store, I thought about climbing onto the roof. "Sergeant, do you think we'd be seen if we slept on the roof?" I asked him, starting to walk towards it.

Matthews thought  about it, "I don't think so" he said, "as long as we lay down and don't get up to walk around."

I nodded, "should we make sure there's no people here before we go up there." Matthews nodded, I pulled out my binoculars and put them up to my eyes, I looked at the roof and inside the store, nothing, but to be sure I'd have to use some experimental tech. "come on, let's move closer," I told them.

We moved up until we're about ten yards away from the store, I pulled two small red grenades from the inside of my coat. "Get down you two" I whispered to them, "Serg, ready your gun, when this goes off, light them up."

I counted down from three on my fingers, in the dim light, and tossed one of the grenades onto the roof, nothing, I tossed the other one into the building through the window. That one lit up five guys sitting on the ground, all looking at the same thing, I saw they had guns, and the red lit up brighter than they had when we tested them in the lab, interesting. Matthews was the first to start shooting, he hit three of them, the other two were casualties caused by my Desert Eagle's.

Swell, two more Sentients to add to my pistols kill list. Matthews and the girl (whose name I found out is Rachel) stood up, and we walked into the store, checking everywhere and making sure we didn't miss any. All of them in the store were dead, I checked their pulses to make sure, you see one too many horror movies and then you always check their pulses to make sure they're dead. They were dead, I won't elaborate, they just were.

They were all looking at a small television, watching an old show about about a time traveling pimp, it was a really good show.

"We should stay in here and not up on the roof" Matthews suggested. I nodded and Matthews and Rachel immediately cuddled up and were asleep in minutes, I couldn't find sleep, bastard was eluding me. I stood up and walked to the ladder leading up to the roof with my binoculars and my sniper rifle, I put the binoculars on the ground next to me and survey the area, nothing of interest.

I saw tall buildings in the distance but otherwise, nothing, I didn't like how isolated this gas station is, and how quiet it is. I must've dozed off because I  woke up at the crack of dawn to hear a piercing scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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