My face was drained of all life
I kept on staring at the kitchen knife
I had lost my last shreds of effervescence
along with the cracked pieces of ebullience
My eyes had sunk , dark and deep
Oh! how I wished eternal sleep
I imagined her walking, twirling her strands of auburn hair
I pushed the table ,screaming with despair
I pulled my hair, ready to tear them apart
for I could still feel my broken heart
Then I could feel mist threaten my eyes
I remembered her crafting lies
She would play with her hair and talk to herself
I would just stare at her, forgetting myself
Today, I stared at my terrace
for my conscious was misted with menace
for the future
I feared
would I be able to face a life so deceptive
would I be able to live life with a new perspective
And so I walked up to the balcony
and jumped, finishing my testimony

Immortal Imperfections
ПоэзияThese are poems celebrating the foibles of humans and the blemishes in life.