they found me

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Princeton's pov

we pulled up at the location  the tracking device gave us it looked awfully familiar we knocked and ray answered

ray:hey guys nice to see u

both :u to man wats good moe

ray nothing much how r(gco by screaming )

ray:wat is wrong with u

there stood  y/n I guess she recognized us she shook her head and ran back upstairs ray said he had two extra Guess rooms so we went up there and went  straight into y/n room and found her trying to escape out the window we quickly grabbed her and I held her down

Roc:look we r here to help we hate Daniel and we can prove it he killed my dad and prince's girlfriend we heard he was after u so we joined his group a few days ago and we need your help will u help us please we only want to help take him out (lying and fake crying)

y/n:I will help but I don't trust u one bit especially u (points to prince) u look like a angry q-tip

prince:well we will be on our way to our room and its cool if  u don't trust us we can always gain your trust u can count on it


we walked out perfect

Craig's POV

I was going to y/n room and saw roc and prince

craig-whats up homes


roc-hey I'm baacckk

Craig -nice great to have u back

I walked to y/n room and she was dancing and listening to music Chris brown show me and she could dance just watching her was amazing when she was finished I clapped startled she Turned around


y/n-u saw that

craig-yea I want to tell u something I really like u I think your amazing in everyway and I want to be the one to teach u how to love in think about u constantly  and I want to ask u will u be mine



????? POV

she thought she could escape me never and her dad is being of great  help but soon I won't need him so ill cut him but for now I'll keep himclose she will be mine again I luv her and she will never leave me know matter what

y/ns dad POV

I hate her she is the reason why my wife isn't here and she will pay I will get revenge for my wife and this is the way to do it revenge is a dish best served cold

you like it tune in next chapter and comment what u want to y/n to say to prodigy

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