Chapter Five

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Amanda's Point of View

Why was I in so much pain? Why was I abused? Why was I kidnapped? Why was I here? I was supposed to be in Australia. I was supposed to be on tour with my brother's bandmates. I wanted to scream but a gag prevented the noise to escape my lips. This man kept girls in his house. Many rooms filling the halls. He would take each one, one at a time and would abuse the. Abuse them until they were purple. Until they were wrapped around your fingertips. Only one of them has escaped. Chloe Tomlinson. And you know what? So was I. I sat patiently on my bed. Waiting for my turn.

"AMANDA CLIFFORD!" I heard his raspy voice call out. I smiled a bit and walked out. He smirked. "You know I lost one of the others... Gives me more strength to do more damage." He slured. He was drunk. Wonderful. It would give me a better chance of escaping. I began to slowly walk toward him. I suddenly ran faster my foot aiming for his crotch. When it did. He was doubled over groaning. I laughed as I grabbed the keys off the table. Foolish man. You can't fool a Clifford. They don't give up. I shoved the key into the lock and slammed the door open. I laughed as I locked the door. I ran to the side of the house. I found a rock and smashed the window.

"AJ WHAT THE HELL!" I continued to smash the window until the hole was big enough for her.

"Hey Jess." I said casually. She gasped.

"You escaped." She said climbing out.

"We gotta hurry and find Chloe. Then we will find the boys." I told her. Jess and I weren't ordinary girls. We were Amanda Clifford and Jessica Hemmings. Sisters of 5SOS. The man seemed to kidnap the siblings of celebrities. We walked until we found the nearest gas station.

"Hey. We need to use a phone. We're broke though." I told the cashier. He glared at us.

"We're kidnap victims. We need to phone the police." Jess added. The man's face softened and he handed us his phone. I dialed the police and told them the man's address. Then I phoned Luke.

"Um. Hello. Who are you?" I heard his lovely voice.

"Luke. It's Amanda. Jess and I are in England." I said.

"Amanda....Jess.... It's been a year." He choked out.

"Yeah. We were kidnapped." I said.

"They said you were dead. I lost my sister and my girlfriend." I heard his voice grow shaky and I could tell he was crying.

"Hey Lukey. Hey. It's okay we're fine. We're going to find Harry Styles. Come to England and bring Michael, okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He sniffed.

"Bye." I said. I hung up.

"Thanks." I told the man giving him his phone back. He nodded and went back to making slurpees. "C'mon Jess let's walk." I told the younger girl.

"Okay." She said.

Chloe's Point of View

This was great. I was lying in a lovely bed in a cozy room. The room was full of color and the bed was actually comfortable. I heard the doorbell ring. I heard snores coming from the room next to me so I got up to get the door. When I opened it I saw two tired looking girls.

"Hello. Chloe right?" The blonde one asked.

"Yeah." I said. She sighed.

"I'm Amanda Clifford and this is Jessica Hemmings. Missing for 1 year. Kidnapped by Jeremy Calder." She reached her arm out. I shook her hand.

"How did you escape?" I asked her.

"Kicked him in the crotch and broke Jess out by breaking her window with a rock." She said. ...Australians...

"Impressive. What did you need to me for?"

"Well, our brothers are friends of Harry and Louis and are coming to England to get us. Could we um...stay with you until they get here?" She asked nervously.

"Chloe! Who's at the door." I heard a groggy raspy voice ask. He was rubbing his face walking over to us.

"Got room for two more Styles?" I asked him. He blinked a few times.

"Sure. If you two don't mind sharing a room with Chloe." Harry said.

"Thank you." Jess said.

"No problem." He mumbled running his hand through his hair. "Also, my sister is coming over later today. I want you to meet her." He added. I let the girls in.

"This is going to be interesting." Amanda said.

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